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Презентация на тему: The Natural Wonders of the World

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Презентация на тему: The Natural Wonders of the World

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№ слайда 1 The Natural Wonders of the World
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The Natural Wonders of the World

№ слайда 2 The Natural Wonders of the World Sometimes we get tired of the daily routine, co
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The Natural Wonders of the World Sometimes we get tired of the daily routine, constant traffic jams, fast rhythm of our life, necessity to do our tasks. We would make a trip to some quiet places with pleasure and stay there for a long time. But where should we go?Today I’ll tell you about some picturesque nooks on our planet. We’ll lift the veil of secrecy of seven unique natural masterpieces. Why do we choose only seven wonders? Because each wonder belongs to one continent. I hope that after my short review you’ll be eager to visit some of these magnificent places.

№ слайда 3 The Natural Wonders of the World According to the following scheme I’ll tell you
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The Natural Wonders of the World According to the following scheme I’ll tell you about the location, uniqueness, wildlife, area, origin and protection of each wonder.

№ слайда 4 The Natural Wonders of the World
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The Natural Wonders of the World

№ слайда 5 The map of the seven natural wonders
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The map of the seven natural wonders

№ слайда 6 The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: It is also one of the world's salti
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The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. It is known for its mild sun and climate, rich mineral water and thermal sources.Location: It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.Area: The Dead Sea is 67 kilometers long and 18 kilometers wide at its widest point.Protection: People should protect the nature of the Dead Sea:1) water from pollution;2) air from chemical wastes;3) wildlife from disappearing. Origin: The older hypothesis is that it lies in a true rift zone, an extension of the Red Sea Rift, or even of the Great Rift Valley of eastern Africa. A more recent hypothesis is that the Dead Sea basin is a consequence of a «step-over» discontinuity along the Dead Sea Transform.Wildlife: Many animal species live in the mountains surrounding the Dead Sea: camels, ibex, hares, hyraxes, jackals, foxes, and even leopards. Hundreds of bird species inhabit the zone as well. The delta of the Jordan river was a jungle of papyrus and palm trees.

№ слайда 7 The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: Bermuda's unusual pink sand beaches
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The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: Bermuda's unusual pink sand beaches and clear, blue ocean waters are popular with tourists and many of Bermuda's hotels are located along the south shore of the island. In addition to its beaches, there are a number of sightseeing attractions.Location: Bermuda is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, near the western edge of the Sargasso Sea.Area: The territory consists of approximately 138 islands, with a total area of 53,3 square kilometres.Protection: People shouldn't throw litter into the sea as it may contain chemicals that will pollute the water and they should protect the wildlife of the Bermuda Islands. Origin: It is the oldest and most populous remaining British overseas territory, settled by England a century before the Acts of Union created the Kingdom of Great Britain.Wildlife: The only native mammals of Bermuda are five species of bats.

№ слайда 8 The Natural Wonders of the World Mount Kilimanjaro Uniqueness: It is one of the
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The Natural Wonders of the World Mount Kilimanjaro Uniqueness: It is one of the largest stratovolcanoes in the world and it is additionally the highest peak (5,895 metres) in Africa. Location: It is located in north-eastern Tanzania in Africa.Area: The volcano is the highest in Africa and covers an area of 388,500 ha. Protection: People should protect the air from chemical wastes, forests of the mountain from fire, don't cut trees and protect the wildlife from disappearing. Origin: It formed as result of volcanic activities.Wildlife: There are a lot of types of monkeys, antelopes, leopards and birds. Also there are a lot of species of exotic plants.

№ слайда 9 The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: The system of fjords in Norway is o
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The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: The system of fjords in Norway is one of the longest in the world. It is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, created in a valley carved by glacial activity.Location: This system is located in Western Norway.Area: This system is approximately 500 kilometres long and approximately 500 kilometres deep. Protection: People should protect animals of fjords from disappearing, sea water from chemical wastes and forests from fire. They mustn’t cut trees and destroy natural landscape. Origin: Fjords are formed when a glacier cuts a v-shaped valley. Many such valleys were formed during the recent ice age. Wildlife: There are some types of sea animals and there are coniferous forests.

№ слайда 10 The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: It is the largest coral system in t
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The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: It is the largest coral system in the world and it can be seen from space. It is a living organism. Location: The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia.Area: It is 2000 kilometres long.Protection: People shouldn't throw litter into the sea as it may contain chemicals that will pollute the water. They should protect the corals of the reef and wildlife from disappearing, because a lot of animals are in danger now.

№ слайда 11 The Natural Wonders of the World Angel Falls Uniqueness: It is the tallest water
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The Natural Wonders of the World Angel Falls Uniqueness: It is the tallest waterfall (979 metres) in the world. Location: The waterfall drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State, Venezuela.Area: Angel falls tumbles down freely for some 807 meters. The cataract continues through almost another 172 meters of less rugged fall until it meets the jungle floor of a valley.Protection: People should protect waterfall from rubbish and chemical wastes, its flora and fauna from pollution and disappearing. Origin: It formed more than 130 million years ago.Wildlife: There is an incredible variety of tropical wildlife in the area, including monkeys, poison arrow frogs, and hundreds of species of orchids.

№ слайда 12 Aurora The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: It is a beautiful, dynamic d
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Aurora The Natural Wonders of the World Uniqueness: It is a beautiful, dynamic display of shifting colored lights. The northern lights are called the Aurora borealis, and the display in the southern latitudes is called the Aurora australis. Location: Auroras occur in the part of the upper atmosphere, and can be seen in the high latitudes of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Area: No specific or consistent measurements. Origin: Aurora displays are the result of electrical particles flowing out from the Sun. These particles pass through the Earth's magnetic field, and collide with atoms in the upper atmosphere causing them to emit electromagnetic radiation in the visible portion of the spectrum. The colors of the aurora depend on the altitude at which the atomic collisions occur and the type of atoms that are struck. If oxygen atoms are hit, the glow may be red or yellow-green; if the particles strike nitrogen atoms, blue or purple lights result.

№ слайда 13 The END Enjoy and take care of our nature, get surprised at the beauty of our wo
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The END Enjoy and take care of our nature, get surprised at the beauty of our world. Remember the following saying: «Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life».It was only a glimpse of some natural wonders. There are a lot of such places on the Earth. So, I wish you to be closer to nature and take care of its fragile beauty.

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