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Презентация на тему: SLANG (СЛЕНГ)

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Презентация на тему: SLANG (СЛЕНГ)

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

Описание слайда:


№ слайда 3 Most popular female names: Maggie, Molly, Daisy, Bailey and Abby. Males: Buddy,
Описание слайда:

Most popular female names: Maggie, Molly, Daisy, Bailey and Abby. Males: Buddy, Jake, Max, Hunter and Cody. Both sexes, raining both cats and dogs, but probably mainly cats: Tiger. Most popular female names: Maggie, Molly, Daisy, Bailey and Abby. Males: Buddy, Jake, Max, Hunter and Cody. Both sexes, raining both cats and dogs, but probably mainly cats: Tiger. What ever happened to Spot and Rover and Kitty? They went the way of yesterday’s kids named Jack and Jill.

№ слайда 4 Ah-ite! Ah-ite! “Would you do this for me?” - “Ah-ite.” The meaning is “O.K.” Th
Описание слайда:

Ah-ite! Ah-ite! “Would you do this for me?” - “Ah-ite.” The meaning is “O.K.” The sound is an amalgam of all and right, which used to sound like “aw-rite” but now is compressed into a sliding “a’ight,” as the teen-slanguist Fred Lynch transcribes it

№ слайда 5 humongous humongous huge and monstrous and/or tremendous She lives in a humongou
Описание слайда:

humongous humongous huge and monstrous and/or tremendous She lives in a humongous house on the hill ginormous gigantic + enormous

№ слайда 6 chillax chillax The new slang blend submitted by members of Professor Eble’s Eng
Описание слайда:

chillax chillax The new slang blend submitted by members of Professor Eble’s English 314 class only a few months ago is chillax, from the adjective chill, “easygoing,” and the verb relax, the combo meaning “do nothing in particular,” an activity widely practiced in centers of learning throughout the nation.

№ слайда 7 Butterface Butterface “Great body, but her face. . . .”
Описание слайда:

Butterface Butterface “Great body, but her face. . . .”

№ слайда 8 blockamore blockamore nose wide open thigh five sketchy Those middle-aged men ar
Описание слайда:

blockamore blockamore nose wide open thigh five sketchy Those middle-aged men are so sketchy. They creep me out. all up in your grill

№ слайда 9 He’s such a shlep!
Описание слайда:

He’s such a shlep!

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