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Презентация на тему: школа

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Презентация на тему: школа

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 _ _ _ _ _ _
Описание слайда:

_ _ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 3 s c h o o l s c h o o l
Описание слайда:

s c h o o l s c h o o l

№ слайда 4 . .
Описание слайда:

. .

№ слайда 5 What do we do at School What do we do at School
Описание слайда:

What do we do at School What do we do at School

№ слайда 6
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 7 Ex. 9 p. 102 Ex. 9 p. 102 Listen, sing, window, video, picture Clean, read, spea
Описание слайда:

Ex. 9 p. 102 Ex. 9 p. 102 Listen, sing, window, video, picture Clean, read, speak, feed, teacher Draw, talk, board, small, tall, wardrobe Ask, answer, by heart, classroom, classmate Translate, table, break, classmate, wait Count, down, loudly, house, now, cow, mouth

№ слайда 8 Ex.1 р.100 Continue his story Ex.1 р.100 Continue his story Example: There is a
Описание слайда:

Ex.1 р.100 Continue his story Ex.1 р.100 Continue his story Example: There is a goldfish in the classroom…

№ слайда 9 Ex.2 р.100 Ex.2 р.100 Example: There is a goldfish in Jim’s classroom. But there
Описание слайда:

Ex.2 р.100 Ex.2 р.100 Example: There is a goldfish in Jim’s classroom. But there is no goldfish in our classroom. There is a board in Jim’s classroom.And there is a board in our classroom too.

№ слайда 10 Ex.4р.101 Ex.4р.101 learn questions speak songs sing English answer by heart
Описание слайда:

Ex.4р.101 Ex.4р.101 learn questions speak songs sing English answer by heart

№ слайда 11 learn by heart learn by heart speak English sing songs answer questions
Описание слайда:

learn by heart learn by heart speak English sing songs answer questions

№ слайда 12 Ex.4р.101 Ex.4р.101 b) stand from …to translate down count from…into sit up
Описание слайда:

Ex.4р.101 Ex.4р.101 b) stand from …to translate down count from…into sit up

№ слайда 13 Ex.4р.101 Ex.4р.101 b) stand up translate from…into count from …to sit down
Описание слайда:

Ex.4р.101 Ex.4р.101 b) stand up translate from…into count from …to sit down

№ слайда 14 Ex.3 p.101 Ex.3 p.101 Dance, draw, clean, read ,help, count, write, listen, play
Описание слайда:

Ex.3 p.101 Ex.3 p.101 Dance, draw, clean, read ,help, count, write, listen, play, jump, speak, sing, learn, run, sit, stand, ask questions, answer the questions, discuss, tell, translate, (from English into Russian),watch, think, learn by heart, feed

№ слайда 15 Ex.6р.101 Ex.6р.101 Example: Pupils must answer the teacher’s questions. Pupils
Описание слайда:

Ex.6р.101 Ex.6р.101 Example: Pupils must answer the teacher’s questions. Pupils must be polite. Pupils mustn’t draw on the desks.

№ слайда 16 They count pencils and play computer games. They count pencils and play computer
Описание слайда:

They count pencils and play computer games. They count pencils and play computer games. 1.Jason and Becky usually have three lessons. The first lesson is Maths. In the second lesson Jason and Becky learn English. In the third lesson they sing songs and draw funny pictures. They speak English and write new words. Children have a good time at school.

№ слайда 17 1.Jason and Becky usually have three lessons. 1.Jason and Becky usually have thr
Описание слайда:

1.Jason and Becky usually have three lessons. 1.Jason and Becky usually have three lessons. 2.The first lesson is Maths. 3.They count pencils and play computer games. 4.In the second lesson Jason and Becky learn English. 5.They speak English and write new words. 6.In the third lesson they sing songs and draw funny pictures. 7. Children have a good time at school.

№ слайда 18 Ex.7р.102 Ex.7р.102 Example: Do you like to draw ? – Yes ,I do/ No , I don’t. Ol
Описание слайда:

Ex.7р.102 Ex.7р.102 Example: Do you like to draw ? – Yes ,I do/ No , I don’t. Oleg/Dasha likes(doesn’t like ) to draw.

№ слайда 19 Ex.8р.102 Ex.8р.102
Описание слайда:

Ex.8р.102 Ex.8р.102

№ слайда 20  
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 21 Ex.15 р.103 Ex.15 р.103 Example: My classmates like to sing in the English lesso
Описание слайда:

Ex.15 р.103 Ex.15 р.103 Example: My classmates like to sing in the English lesson.

№ слайда 22
Описание слайда:

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