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Презентация на тему: Russian painters

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Презентация на тему: Russian painters

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№ слайда 1 Russian painters : Ivan Konstantinovich AivazovskyIvan Ivanovich ShishkinIsaac I
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Russian painters : Ivan Konstantinovich AivazovskyIvan Ivanovich ShishkinIsaac Ilyich Levitan Krypenko O. Konovalova A. Zheleznyakova N.

№ слайда 2 Ivan Konstantino- vich Aivazovsky
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Ivan Konstantino- vich Aivazovsky

№ слайда 3 The Ninth Wave The Ninth Wave (Russian: Девятый вал, literally The Ninth Wave) i
Описание слайда:

The Ninth Wave The Ninth Wave (Russian: Девятый вал, literally The Ninth Wave) is perhaps the most impressive and well-known painting by Russian marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky; it was painted in 1850.It depicts a sea after a night storm and people facing death attempting to save themselves by clinging to debris from a wrecked ship.The painting has warm tones in which the sea appears to be not so menacing and giving a chance for the people to survive.This painting is sometimes called "the most beautiful painting in Russia".Both English and Russian titles refer to the nautical tradition that waves grow larger and large in a series up to the largest wave, the ninth (or tenth) wave, at which point the series starts again.

№ слайда 4 Moonlit Seascape With Fishermen on the Shore
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Moonlit Seascape With Fishermen on the Shore

№ слайда 5 View of Tiflis Landing at Subashi
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View of Tiflis Landing at Subashi

№ слайда 6 Battle of Chesma View of Reval
Описание слайда:

Battle of Chesma View of Reval

№ слайда 7 IvanIvanovich Shishkin
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IvanIvanovich Shishkin

№ слайда 8 Morning in a Pine Forest The Morning in a Pine Forest (Russian: Утро в сосновом
Описание слайда:

Morning in a Pine Forest The Morning in a Pine Forest (Russian: Утро в сосновом лесу) is a painting by Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky has painted the bears,[1] but the art collector Pavel Tretyakov effaced his signature, stating that "from idea until performance, everything discloses the painting manner and creative method peculiar just to Shishkin"[2] so the painting is now credited solely to Shishkin. The Morning in a Pine Forest turned very popular, being reproduced on various items, including the "Clubfooted Bear" chocolates by Babayevskiy. According to one poll, the painting is the second most popular in Russia behind Bogatyrs by Viktor Vasnetsov.[3] Shishkin's similar paintings are the Forest in Spring (1884) and The Sestroretsk Forest (1896).

№ слайда 9 A Rye FieldRain in an Oak Forest
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A Rye FieldRain in an Oak Forest

№ слайда 10 Isaac Ilyich Levitan
Описание слайда:

Isaac Ilyich Levitan

№ слайда 11 Water lilies 1895 Sunny Day, 1876
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Water lilies 1895 Sunny Day, 1876

№ слайда 12 Savvinskaya sloboda near Zvenigorod, 1884Over Eternal Peace, 1894
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Savvinskaya sloboda near Zvenigorod, 1884Over Eternal Peace, 1894

№ слайда 13 March, 1895 Golden Autumn, 1895
Описание слайда:

March, 1895 Golden Autumn, 1895

№ слайда 14 March The golden Plyos I think that the best work of Levitan is "March". It is o
Описание слайда:

March The golden Plyos I think that the best work of Levitan is "March". It is one of the most popular paintings in Tretyakov Gallery. We can see bright spring morning in the picture. And we can seea brown horse and an old house in the middle of the landscape. But we can feel something strange, which makes us happier. We feel how nature is waking up after a long deep dream. It is the main idea of this picture. Levitan tries to show us the most beautiful moment in the nature`s life, the time when the nature becomes alive again. Isaak produced this picture in bright colors. He tried to use thin brushes because he wanted to show us the beauty of snow. The snow is not white. It has many shades: yellow, green, red and so on. Most people like this painting and can stand in front of it for many hours admiring its beauty. Another beautiful canvas of Levitan is "The golden Plyos". It has peaceful and harmonic coloring. It depicts the scenery of the town Plyos on the Volga River. We can see blue mountains on the background and the forest, which goes down to the river bank. There is a little house with a red roof and a high belfry near the river bank. This picture gives the feeling ofpeace and calmness. Levitan spent three summers in Plyos and he created two hundred works. And after that many artists went to Plyos. They hoped to find inspiration there and to paint such beautiful pictures as Levitan had created. I think that "The golden Plyos " is one of the most exciting and beautiful paintings of Levitan.

№ слайда 15 The end
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The end

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