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Презентация на тему: Предлоги in, on, under

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Презентация на тему: Предлоги in, on, under

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№ слайда 1 Предлоги in, on, under Презентация к урокуЧленовой Светланы Анатольевны,учителя
Описание слайда:

Предлоги in, on, under Презентация к урокуЧленовой Светланы Анатольевны,учителя английского языкаМБОУ «Лицей №4»города Красногорска Московской области

№ слайда 2 Under This is a bear, bear, bearIt’s under the chair, chair, chairAnd these are
Описание слайда:

Under This is a bear, bear, bearIt’s under the chair, chair, chairAnd these are bears, bears, bears.They are under the chairs, chairs, chairs

№ слайда 3 This is a doll, doll, doll.It is on the ball, ball, ball.And these are dolls, do
Описание слайда:

This is a doll, doll, doll.It is on the ball, ball, ball.And these are dolls, dolls, dolls.They are on the balls, balls, balls.

№ слайда 4 In This is a fox, fox, fox.It is in the box, box, box.And these are foxes, foxes
Описание слайда:

In This is a fox, fox, fox.It is in the box, box, box.And these are foxes, foxes, foxes.They are in the boxes, boxes, boxes.

№ слайда 5 On The cat is on the chair,The cat is on the chair.Hi ho the derry ohThe cat is
Описание слайда:

On The cat is on the chair,The cat is on the chair.Hi ho the derry ohThe cat is on the chair.

№ слайда 6 On Where’s the frog? - It’s on the shelf.Where? Where? – Over there!Where are th
Описание слайда:

On Where’s the frog? - It’s on the shelf.Where? Where? – Over there!Where are the frogs? – They areon the shelves.Where? Where? – Over there! Where’s the bear? - It’s on the chair.Where? Where? – Over there!Where are the bears? – They are on the chairs.Where? Where? – Over there!

№ слайда 7 Where’s the frog? – It’s under the table.Where? Where? – Over there!Where are th
Описание слайда:

Where’s the frog? – It’s under the table.Where? Where? – Over there!Where are the frogs? - They‘re under the table.Where? Where? – Over there!Where’s the turtle? – It’s under the table.Where? Where? – Over there!Where are the turtles? – They’re under the table.Where? Where? - Over there!

№ слайда 8 The snake is under the table,The snake is under the table.Hi ho the derry ohThe
Описание слайда:

The snake is under the table,The snake is under the table.Hi ho the derry ohThe snake is under the table.The snakes are under the tableThe snakes are under the table.Hi ho the derry ohThe snakes are under the table.

№ слайда 9 But where is the bag?I don’t know. Where’s the ball?It is in the bag.Where? Wher
Описание слайда:

But where is the bag?I don’t know. Where’s the ball?It is in the bag.Where? Where?Over there.Where’s the tiger?It is in the bag.Where? Where?Over there.Where’s the bear?It is in the bag.Where? Where?-Over there.Where’s the doll?It is in the bag.Where? Where?Over there.

№ слайда 10 Where are the balls? – They are in the bag.Where are the dolls? – They are in th
Описание слайда:

Where are the balls? – They are in the bag.Where are the dolls? – They are in the bag.Where are the tigers? – They are in the bag.Where are the bears? – They are in the bag.

№ слайда 11 In? On?Under?
Описание слайда:

In? On?Under?

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