Предлоги места between, among
between Между двумя объектами
I can see a nice dog between the two cats
among среди, между(если количество предметов больше двух)
I can see a nice floweramong the trees.
Where can you see a frog?(between, among)
Where can you see a mouse?(between, among)
Where can you see a big car? (between, among)
Where can you see a horse? (between, among)
Where can you see a lion?(between, among)
Between or among? The girl is _____________two boys.A nice flower grows________the trees.This lion lives___________the monkeys.Kate stands___________Rick and Nick.I can’t find my book__________yours.
Fill in: among or between A lion (1)______sheep and a sheep (2)_____ lions. Молодец против овец, а среди молодца и сам овца
Fill in: among or between_________the devil and the deep sea. Между молотом и наковальней
Between the upper and nether millstone. Между двух огней.