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Презентация на тему: People’s Princess. The Truly Story About Lady Diana

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Презентация на тему: People’s Princess. The Truly Story About Lady Diana

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№ слайда 1 People’s Princess. The Truly Story About Lady Diana.
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People’s Princess. The Truly Story About Lady Diana.

№ слайда 2 Diana, Princess of Wales, was admired throughout the world for her vitality, det
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Diana, Princess of Wales, was admired throughout the world for her vitality, determination, and beauty. Tragically, she was killed when she was in prime of her life. When she first came on the royal scene in 1981, she brought a new dimensions to the Royal Family, and was soon regarded as one of the most glamorous women in the world. Her charm was apparent to all – her stile was distinctive, her influence immense. She truly was the People’s Princess

№ слайда 3 The Princess of Wales was not royal by birth, although her family descends from
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The Princess of Wales was not royal by birth, although her family descends from Henry VII. She was born the Honourable Diana Frances Spencer at Park House on the Sandringham Estate.

№ слайда 4 Diana had two elder sisters. Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. Lif
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Diana had two elder sisters. Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. Life at Park House was orderly traditional and aristocratic. The Spencer children lived in the nursery wing on the first floor, set away from the main building; they saw their parents only for an hour in the morning and at tea time. Childhood playmates included the young Princes, Andrew and Edward, who came to swim in the heated pool at Park House. When Diana was 6 years old, her parents separated and later divorced, the children remaining with their father. Their life changed dramatically in 1975when Diana’s father as 8th Earl Spencer, Diana becoming Lady Diana and they moved to the stately home at Althrop in Northamptonshire. Diana went to a school in Switzerland, where she studied domestic science, typing, and correspondence, and found plenty of time to enjoy skiing.

№ слайда 5 When Diana returned to Britain from Switzerland, she lived in London, sharing th
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When Diana returned to Britain from Switzerland, she lived in London, sharing the apartment with old school friends. She moved in the society that was described by some as « Sloane Rangers», so called because much of their leisure time was spent around Sloane Square. Diana became a nanny to a number of children, and took a three-month cookery course, before joining the Young England Kindergarten as a helper.

№ слайда 6 Most of Diana’s circle of friends came from similar backgrounds, and when her re
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Most of Diana’s circle of friends came from similar backgrounds, and when her relationship with the Prince of Wales began, automatically provided her with a shield of protection. Once the media suspected Lady Diana and Prince Charles’ new romance, press reporters and cameramen pursued her relentlessly. They besieged her London flat and followed her everywhere. It was a very testing time for young Diana. Diana learned to keep her head down. She became known as «Shy Di». So began the highly intensive media attention which was to continue throughout her life. But once engagement was official, Diana moved into an apartment in Clarence House, home of the Queen Mother, where she would be under protection of the Royal Press Office.

№ слайда 7
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№ слайда 8 After the ceremony, the couple returned to Buckingham Palace, while vast crowds
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After the ceremony, the couple returned to Buckingham Palace, while vast crowds pressed against the railings to catch glimpse of the new Princess of Wales.

№ слайда 9 From the moment they were married, the Prince and Princess of Wales became the f
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From the moment they were married, the Prince and Princess of Wales became the focus of public attention to an extent never before experienced in Britain, even by the Royal Family. They were the mostly watched couple in the world. Diana became the most photographed woman on the Earth.

№ слайда 10
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№ слайда 11 Her early days as Princess of Wales were not always easy. Diana displayed an ext
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Her early days as Princess of Wales were not always easy. Diana displayed an extraordinary sense of duty, yet she insisted that her prime role in life was to be a good mother to her children. Diana’s natural role in life was motherhood. She had always had a special affirmity with children of all ages, and she never doubted for a moment that she was intended to be a mother. She was an affectionate mother. She said she had found her true destiny.

№ слайда 12 Diana was not an intellectual. But despite her lack of academic achievement, she
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Diana was not an intellectual. But despite her lack of academic achievement, she possessed a quick wit and an understanding that enabled her to survive those early years and adapt to her new role. Diana won many hearts with her spontaneity and genuine warmth. People from all walks of life and of all ages identified with her for her sense of style as well as for compassion she showed to the sick.It was her common touch, combined with her grace and aristocracy that made her so popular with the press. They adored her and followed her wherever she went, knowing that she would always provide them with a winning picture or story. She never let them down.

№ слайда 13 With the collapse of her marriage in 1992- reparation, followed in 1996 by divor
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With the collapse of her marriage in 1992- reparation, followed in 1996 by divorce- Diana got out to find a new life for herself as a single parent. She wanted to create an independent role outside the Royal Family but, as the mother of a future king, she was never completely able to shed her responsibilities, or her image throughout the world as “Princess Di”. Diana worked hard at keeping physically fit by visiting a gymnasium most days, and she sought the company of people whom she believed would not try to exploit her.

№ слайда 14 She made many visits to the USA, where her popularity never waked, and where her
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She made many visits to the USA, where her popularity never waked, and where her popularity never waked, and where she continued to be treated as royalty. Diana began working towards her goal, which was to be taken seriously in her own right. She had discussion witch political leaders, and finally she achieved her aim, taking a role on the international stage as an unofficial but highly influential ambassador.

№ слайда 15 At one time Diana was involved with over a hundred charities, which she liked to
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At one time Diana was involved with over a hundred charities, which she liked to call her “Family of organizations”. Her patronages included such disparate bodies as the British Death Association (for whom she learnt sign language), the Leprosy Mission, the Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children, the Princes of Wales Children’s Health Camp in Rotoruc (New Zealand), and many more. Diana chose to become actively involved with Centerpoint, a charity which concentrates on providing accommodation for homeless young people who are considered to be a risk.In 1993, Diana announced her retirement from public life and relinquished her position with nearly all her charties. She retained a handful which she continued to support and work for until the day she died.

№ слайда 16 One of the most courageous and important of Diana’s public appearances was when
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One of the most courageous and important of Diana’s public appearances was when she decided to open the first specialist AIDS ward in Britain. AIDS was, at that time, the unmentionable disease, and few people were prepared to be associated with its care and treatment. The Princess sent shook waves throughout the world when she shook hands with patients suffering from AIDS – and did so without wearing gloves. By that single action she demonstrated that people had no need to fear that the disease might be transmitted simply by touch. From that moment, her commitment to the cause was total; she helped raise millions of pounds and, more importantly, she increased the public’s awareness and understanding at a time when fear and prejudice were commonplace. Diana’s concern for the dispossessed and the underprivileged knew no national boundaries. She visited a leprosy hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, and another in Nigeria. She visited Pakistan to support their efforts in famine relief; and after meeting Mother Teresa in New York, she traveled to India to see for herself the living conditions of some of the poorest people in the world. She had began her campaign for the banning of land mines.

№ слайда 17 Diana died in a car crash in Paris. Few events in Britain’s history have produce
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Diana died in a car crash in Paris. Few events in Britain’s history have produced the sence of national dismay and bewilderment that followed. People traveled from all parts of the country to pay tribute to the Princess. Thousands of bouquets of flowers were placed at the gates of Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace, and people queued for up to twelve hours to sign the book of condolence at St James’s Palace. The Queen appeared on television and spoke movingly of her former daughter-in-law. Diana’s body was laid to rest at Althrop, on a peaceful and secluded island in the middle of a lake. She will be remembered as an inspirational woman who once said she wanted to be known as “Queen of Hearts”. Perhaps in death that is exactly what she has become

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