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Презентация на тему: Parks and Gardens of London

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Презентация на тему: Parks and Gardens of London

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№ слайда 1 Конкурс презентаций  «Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона». Конкурс п
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Конкурс презентаций  «Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона». Конкурс презентаций  «Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона». Сайт «Сообщество взаимопомощи учителей Pedsovet.su» Строганова Наталья Сергеевна Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 2 г. Волжский Презентация “Parks and Gardens of London: Royal Parks”.

№ слайда 2
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№ слайда 3 Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. It is in the northern central
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Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. It is in the northern central London. The Regent's Park is the largest grass area for sports in Central London and offers different activities, as well as an Open Air Theatre, the London Zoo and many cafes and restaurants. Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. It is in the northern central London. The Regent's Park is the largest grass area for sports in Central London and offers different activities, as well as an Open Air Theatre, the London Zoo and many cafes and restaurants. The Open Air Theatre in The Regent’s Park is the only professional, outdoor theatre in Britain. It is in the heart of the park. You can enjoy performances from May to September.

№ слайда 4 Kensington Gardens were the private gardens of Kensington Palace. And now it is
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Kensington Gardens were the private gardens of Kensington Palace. And now it is one of the Royal Parks of London. The history of Kensington Gardens started in 1689, when King William III and Mary II bought the Nottingham house in Kensington. The house was turned into a palace. Kensington Gardens were the private gardens of Kensington Palace. And now it is one of the Royal Parks of London. The history of Kensington Gardens started in 1689, when King William III and Mary II bought the Nottingham house in Kensington. The house was turned into a palace.

№ слайда 5
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№ слайда 6 Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and one
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Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and one of the Royal Parks of London. Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and one of the Royal Parks of London.

№ слайда 7 Hyde Park in London has something for everyone. You can enjoy swimming, boating,
Описание слайда:

Hyde Park in London has something for everyone. You can enjoy swimming, boating, cycling and skating. There are pitches for team games, tennis courts, tracks for horse riding and a children’s playground. Hyde Park in London has something for everyone. You can enjoy swimming, boating, cycling and skating. There are pitches for team games, tennis courts, tracks for horse riding and a children’s playground.

№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 Green Park is one of the Royal Parks in London. The Green Park is the smallest o
Описание слайда:

Green Park is one of the Royal Parks in London. The Green Park is the smallest of the eight Royal Parks and is one of the busiest. It is peaceful, with trees and grassland. It was a popular place for ballooning attempts and public firework during the 18th and 19th centuries. Green Park is one of the Royal Parks in London. The Green Park is the smallest of the eight Royal Parks and is one of the busiest. It is peaceful, with trees and grassland. It was a popular place for ballooning attempts and public firework during the 18th and 19th centuries.

№ слайда 10 St. James’s park is the oldest of Royal Parks. It appeared in the XVI century. I
Описание слайда:

St. James’s park is the oldest of Royal Parks. It appeared in the XVI century. It was a place for hunting of king Henry 8. Today St James’s Park is one of the favourite places of Londoners and visitors of the city. It is open for visitors from 5 a.m. until midnight. Here you can rent a chair and listen to the orchestra, rest with the children on one of the playgrounds or have a picnic. Even members of the Royal family often come here. St. James’s park is the oldest of Royal Parks. It appeared in the XVI century. It was a place for hunting of king Henry 8. Today St James’s Park is one of the favourite places of Londoners and visitors of the city. It is open for visitors from 5 a.m. until midnight. Here you can rent a chair and listen to the orchestra, rest with the children on one of the playgrounds or have a picnic. Even members of the Royal family often come here.

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