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Презентация на тему: King Henry VIII's wives

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№ слайда 4 When Henry became king at 18, he married Catherine of Aragon. She was the daught
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When Henry became king at 18, he married Catherine of Aragon. She was the daughter of the King of Spain and the widow of Henry’s elder brother Arthur. She was older and wiser than him and often gave him advice on how to rule. They were married for 18 years and had one daughter, Mary. But Henry wanted a son, an heir to his throne. He also fancied Anne Boleyn, so he decided to divorce Catherine. When the Pope refused to give him a divorce, he broke off his relations with Rome and made himself the head of a new Church of England. When Henry became king at 18, he married Catherine of Aragon. She was the daughter of the King of Spain and the widow of Henry’s elder brother Arthur. She was older and wiser than him and often gave him advice on how to rule. They were married for 18 years and had one daughter, Mary. But Henry wanted a son, an heir to his throne. He also fancied Anne Boleyn, so he decided to divorce Catherine. When the Pope refused to give him a divorce, he broke off his relations with Rome and made himself the head of a new Church of England.

№ слайда 5 Henry married Anne Boleyn in 1533. She had a girl, Elizabeth, but no sons. Henry
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Henry married Anne Boleyn in 1533. She had a girl, Elizabeth, but no sons. Henry soon got fed up with Anne (it is said that she was really grumpy!), so he arrested her on charges of being a witch — she had six fingers on her left hand. To be on the safe side he also accused her of meeting other men. In 1536 she was beheaded. Eleven days later Henry married his third wife. Henry married Anne Boleyn in 1533. She had a girl, Elizabeth, but no sons. Henry soon got fed up with Anne (it is said that she was really grumpy!), so he arrested her on charges of being a witch — she had six fingers on her left hand. To be on the safe side he also accused her of meeting other men. In 1536 she was beheaded. Eleven days later Henry married his third wife.

№ слайда 6 Jane Seymour was one of Anne Boleyn’s ladies-in-waiting. She was from an old and
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Jane Seymour was one of Anne Boleyn’s ladies-in-waiting. She was from an old and noble family. She was gentle and modest and not grumpy like Anne. She gave birth to a sickly son in 1537, Edward, but died soon after. It is said that Jane was Henry’s favourite wife and he waited two years before marrying again. Jane Seymour was one of Anne Boleyn’s ladies-in-waiting. She was from an old and noble family. She was gentle and modest and not grumpy like Anne. She gave birth to a sickly son in 1537, Edward, but died soon after. It is said that Jane was Henry’s favourite wife and he waited two years before marrying again.

№ слайда 7 Henry wanted another queen. He saw a picture of a German princess, Anne of Cleve
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Henry wanted another queen. He saw a picture of a German princess, Anne of Cleves, and decided to marry her without seeing her! But when he met her, Henry didn’t fancy Anne at all. He is said to have called her a horse! He couldn’t break his promise to marry her but their marriage only lasted six months. Henry actually became very fond of Anne after the divorce and they became good friends. Henry wanted another queen. He saw a picture of a German princess, Anne of Cleves, and decided to marry her without seeing her! But when he met her, Henry didn’t fancy Anne at all. He is said to have called her a horse! He couldn’t break his promise to marry her but their marriage only lasted six months. Henry actually became very fond of Anne after the divorce and they became good friends.

№ слайда 8 Katherine Howard was a cousin of Anne Boleyn and was only about 16 when she marr
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Katherine Howard was a cousin of Anne Boleyn and was only about 16 when she married Henry. (He was 49!) Very soon Henry found out that Catherine had been seeing other men, so he charged her with adultery and she was beheaded. The following year he married for the last time. Katherine Howard was a cousin of Anne Boleyn and was only about 16 when she married Henry. (He was 49!) Very soon Henry found out that Catherine had been seeing other men, so he charged her with adultery and she was beheaded. The following year he married for the last time.

№ слайда 9 Catherine Parr was Henry’s sixth and last wife. She had already been married twi
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Catherine Parr was Henry’s sixth and last wife. She had already been married twice before, but both her husbands had died. She was really in love with Thomas Seymour (Jane Seymour’s brother) but she was too scared to refuse the King (which was probably wise!). Henry was very very fat and ill by now and Catherine was as much a nurse as a wife. When Henry died in 1547, she quickly married Thomas Seymour (her fourth husband). Catherine Parr was Henry’s sixth and last wife. She had already been married twice before, but both her husbands had died. She was really in love with Thomas Seymour (Jane Seymour’s brother) but she was too scared to refuse the King (which was probably wise!). Henry was very very fat and ill by now and Catherine was as much a nurse as a wife. When Henry died in 1547, she quickly married Thomas Seymour (her fourth husband).

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