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Презентация на тему: Michael Jackson

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Презентация на тему: Michael Jackson

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№ слайда 1 Biography of a famous person This is Michael Joseph Jackson
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Biography of a famous person This is Michael Joseph Jackson

№ слайда 2 Career Recognised still during lifetime the King of pop, the American musician,
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Career Recognised still during lifetime the King of pop, the American musician, one of the greatest actors of all times. Its unique image: the black felt hat and a white glove on the right hand, its unique contribution to music and dance, in a combination to its extremely public private life, have made its central figure of pop culture for four decades.

№ слайда 3 Dates and bithplace On August, 29th, 1958, Michael Jackson was born in Joseph's
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Dates and bithplace On August, 29th, 1958, Michael Jackson was born in Joseph's family and Ketrin in a city of Gary (State of Indiana). It was the seventh of nine children.

№ слайда 4 Education In 1978 Michael has acted in film together with Dajanoj Ross in a scre
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Education In 1978 Michael has acted in film together with Dajanoj Ross in a screen version of a Broadway musical «The Wiz»(«Удивительный Волшебник из Страны Оз»).On shootings he has got acquainted with musical director Quincy Jones which becomes the producer of its most known albums.

№ слайда 5 Why he is famous? Recognised still during lifetime the King of pop, the American
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Why he is famous? Recognised still during lifetime the King of pop, the American musician, one of the greatest actors of all times

№ слайда 6 Achievements «The Girl Is Mine» (№ 2, Duet with Paul McCartney) «Billie Jean» (№
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Achievements «The Girl Is Mine» (№ 2, Duet with Paul McCartney) «Billie Jean» (№ 1, The award "Grammy", the largest hit for Jackson's all career and one of the most abrupt tracks of funk music), «Beat It» (№ 1, One more "Grammy"), «Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'» (№ 5), «Human Nature» (№ 7), «P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)» (№ 10), «Thriller» (№ 4).

№ слайда 7 Personality It was also the sports person did not smoke but seldom drank at it t
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Personality It was also the sports person did not smoke but seldom drank at it there was a scandalous character but it remained for us a star for all times…

№ слайда 8 In the morning on June, 25th, 2009 Michael has fainted and has fallen, being in
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In the morning on June, 25th, 2009 Michael has fainted and has fallen, being in the house which it removed in Holmbi-Hillz , in the west of Los Angeles. Then he also has died…

№ слайда 9 Though Michael Joseph Jackson has died it always its idols will remember…
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Though Michael Joseph Jackson has died it always its idols will remember…

№ слайда 10
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