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Презентация на тему: Michael Jackson

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Презентация на тему: Michael Jackson

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№ слайда 6 In an interview with Martin Bashir, later included in the 2003 broadcast of Livi
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In an interview with Martin Bashir, later included in the 2003 broadcast of Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson acknowledged that his father hurt him when he was a child, but as he admitted his father's strict discipline played a huge role in his success. When Bashir dismissed the positive remark and continued asking about beatings, Jackson put his hand over his face and objected to the questions. In an interview with Martin Bashir, later included in the 2003 broadcast of Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson acknowledged that his father hurt him when he was a child, but as he admitted his father's strict discipline played a huge role in his success. When Bashir dismissed the positive remark and continued asking about beatings, Jackson put his hand over his face and objected to the questions.

№ слайда 7 Starting in the mid – 1980s it became clear that Jackson’s appearance was changi
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Starting in the mid – 1980s it became clear that Jackson’s appearance was changing dramatically. His skin tone became lighter, his nose and facial shape changed, and he lost weight. Despite obvious changes to his appearance, he had the pop icon denied he had extensive plastic surgery and blamed changing skin tone on vitilligo. But plastic surgeons were skeptical of those claims. They said it was the most unusual case of vitilligo. Jackson addicted to plastic surgery. He was not happy with the way he looked. He kept focusing on his appearance. It became the obsession. Starting in the mid – 1980s it became clear that Jackson’s appearance was changing dramatically. His skin tone became lighter, his nose and facial shape changed, and he lost weight. Despite obvious changes to his appearance, he had the pop icon denied he had extensive plastic surgery and blamed changing skin tone on vitilligo. But plastic surgeons were skeptical of those claims. They said it was the most unusual case of vitilligo. Jackson addicted to plastic surgery. He was not happy with the way he looked. He kept focusing on his appearance. It became the obsession.

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