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Презентация на тему: Charles Michael Palahniuk

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Презентация на тему: Charles Michael Palahniuk

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№ слайда 1 Charles Michael Palahniuk
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Charles Michael Palahniuk

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№ слайда 3 After high school, Chuck attended the University of Oregon, graduating with a BA
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After high school, Chuck attended the University of Oregon, graduating with a BA in journalism in 1986. He entered the workforce as a journalist for a local Portland newspaper, but soon grew tired of the job. He then gained employment as a diesel mechanic, spending his days repairing trucks and writing technical manuals. It was during this time that Palahniuk performed volunteer work for a homeless shelter; later, he also volunteered at a hospice as an escort; he provided transportation for terminally ill people and brought them to support group meetings. He also became a member of the notorious Cacophony Society. The Cacophony Society was dedicated to experiencing things outside of the mainstream and performing large-scale pranks in public places. After high school, Chuck attended the University of Oregon, graduating with a BA in journalism in 1986. He entered the workforce as a journalist for a local Portland newspaper, but soon grew tired of the job. He then gained employment as a diesel mechanic, spending his days repairing trucks and writing technical manuals. It was during this time that Palahniuk performed volunteer work for a homeless shelter; later, he also volunteered at a hospice as an escort; he provided transportation for terminally ill people and brought them to support group meetings. He also became a member of the notorious Cacophony Society. The Cacophony Society was dedicated to experiencing things outside of the mainstream and performing large-scale pranks in public places.

№ слайда 4 Palahniuk began writing fiction in his mid-thirties. At the time he was att
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Palahniuk began writing fiction in his mid-thirties. At the time he was attending workshops for writers to meet new friends. Tom Spanbauer, the host, largely inspired Palahniuk's minimalistic writing style.

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№ слайда 7 Due to this success, Chuck was given free reign, creatively.
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Due to this success, Chuck was given free reign, creatively.

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