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Презентация на тему: Presentation on Nottingham and Bristol

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Презентация на тему: Presentation on Nottingham and Bristol

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 3 History of Nottingham
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History of Nottingham

№ слайда 4 Education in Nottingham The city is the University of Nottingham, which has bran
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Education in Nottingham The city is the University of Nottingham, which has branches in Malaysia and China.

№ слайда 5 Attractions Uollaton Hall - one of the key monuments of the English Renaissance
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Attractions Uollaton Hall - one of the key monuments of the English Renaissance All Saints Church (Nottingham)

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№ слайда 7 History of Bristol
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History of Bristol

№ слайда 8 Culture in Bristol Bristol - an important cultural center of the United Kingdom.
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Culture in Bristol Bristol - an important cultural center of the United Kingdom. Here are the famous theaters, museums, including the Bristol Industrial Museum and several art galleries.

№ слайда 9 Attractions The main attraction is Bristol Bristol Cathedral , in the past the a
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Attractions The main attraction is Bristol Bristol Cathedral , in the past the abbey church of St.. Augustine , build the XII and XVI century in the Gothic style , and during the Reformation facing the Cathedral , the center of the Anglican Diocese of Bristol . The tallest building in the city for centuries remained the parish church of St Mary Redcliffe , built mostly in the XV century and recognized by Queen Elizabeth I the best parish church in her kingdom ; for her altar William Hogarth wrote his famous triptych .

№ слайда 10 Attractions Civil architecture of most of Bristol died during German air raids :
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Attractions Civil architecture of most of Bristol died during German air raids : One Night Only 2 November 1940 the city was dropped 15,000 bombs. Ancient Church of the Knights Templar was left in ruins as a reminder of the devastation . Surviving buildings are remarkable Theatre Royal and Cabot Tower , built in 1897 to commemorate the American expedition quatercentenary famous sailor. University of Bristol was founded in 1909 on the basis of the university college. Colston School operates from 1708 and Bristol Elementary School , Catholic school and school at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital are counting their stories with Tudor .

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