Мастер класс «Мир профессий» 6 класс Выполнила: учитель английского языка Конзаводской СОШ № 2 Ирина Анатольевна Драган
There ones was a student named Besser, There ones was a student named Besser, Whose knowledge were lesser and lesser. And at last were so small. He knew nothing at all. And now he is a college professor.
Complete the words. computer man computer operator house operator housewife business wife businessman
What are they? What are they?
a doctor a secretary has to a model a teacher a milkman
a doctor a painter
a sportsman a pilot
a police officer a cosmonaut
a salesperson a mechanic
a photographer a cook
a driver a veterinarian
gedpostmancka rewsecretarytr gerpainterkj gedpostmancka rewsecretarytr gerpainterkj postman secretary painter hteacherktil redworkertyl hromodeljd teacher worker model
1.Would you like to be a doctor? 1.Would you like to be a doctor? 2.Would you like to be a model? Why?
Thank you- good luck to you and goodbye! Thank you- good luck to you and goodbye!
Источники материалов. Поурочное планирование по английскому языку по учебнику В. П. Кузовлева, Н. М. Лапы … – автор составитель: Т. И. Кузнецова. koshki-mishki.ru› foreign.school-11.ru › professii.html