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Презентация на тему: CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER

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Презентация на тему: CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 1) What is a quid? 1) What is a quid? A.100 Pound Sterling B.100 Sterling C.100
Описание слайда:

1) What is a quid? 1) What is a quid? A.100 Pound Sterling B.100 Sterling C.100 US Dollars D. one Pound Sterling

№ слайда 3 2) In which town is Hyde Park? 2) In which town is Hyde Park? A.Dublin B.London
Описание слайда:

2) In which town is Hyde Park? 2) In which town is Hyde Park? A.Dublin B.London C.New York D.San Francisco

№ слайда 4 3) Who built the Tower of London? 3) Who built the Tower of London? A.Henry VIII
Описание слайда:

3) Who built the Tower of London? 3) Who built the Tower of London? A.Henry VIII B.Maria Stuart C.Oliver Cromwell D.William the Conqueror

№ слайда 5 4) When do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day? 4) When do the Irish celebrate
Описание слайда:

4) When do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day? 4) When do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day? A.1 April B.17 March C.31October D.5 November

№ слайда 6 5) What do they celebrate in Britain on 5th November? 5) What do they celebrate
Описание слайда:

5) What do they celebrate in Britain on 5th November? 5) What do they celebrate in Britain on 5th November? A. Guy Fawkes Night B. Halloween C. Notting Hill Carnival D. St. Patrick's Day

№ слайда 7 6) Who invented the sandwich? 6) Who invented the sandwich? A. Earl of Sandwich
Описание слайда:

6) Who invented the sandwich? 6) Who invented the sandwich? A. Earl of Sandwich B.George Washington C.King Henry VIII D.Queen Victoria

№ слайда 8 7) What is the flag of the UK called? 7) What is the flag of the UK called? A.Ma
Описание слайда:

7) What is the flag of the UK called? 7) What is the flag of the UK called? A.Maple Leaf B.Stars and Stripes C.Tricolour D.Union Jack

№ слайда 9 8) What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland? 8) What is the capital of the
Описание слайда:

8) What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland? 8) What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland? A.Belfast B.Cardiff C.Dublin D.London

№ слайда 10 9) What is the longest river in the UK? 9) What is the longest river in the UK?
Описание слайда:

9) What is the longest river in the UK? 9) What is the longest river in the UK? A.The Great Oise B.The Severn C.The Thames D.The Trent

№ слайда 11 10) Which English King had six wives? 10) Which English King had six wives? A.Ch
Описание слайда:

10) Which English King had six wives? 10) Which English King had six wives? A.Charles I B.Harald Godwinson C.Henry VIII D.Williams III

№ слайда 12 11.What is the name of the guards in the Tower of London? 11.What is the name of
Описание слайда:

11.What is the name of the guards in the Tower of London? 11.What is the name of the guards in the Tower of London? A.Beefeaters B.Castle Guards C.Security Guards D.Tower Guards

№ слайда 13 12. What is the capital of Scotland? 12. What is the capital of Scotland? A.Aber
Описание слайда:

12. What is the capital of Scotland? 12. What is the capital of Scotland? A.Aberdeen B.Edinburgh C.Glasgow D.Inverness

№ слайда 14 13) Whose statue is on Trafalgar Square in London? 13) Whose statue is on Trafal
Описание слайда:

13) Whose statue is on Trafalgar Square in London? 13) Whose statue is on Trafalgar Square in London? A.Admiral Nelson B.King George VI C.Queen Victoria D.Winston Churchill

№ слайда 15 14 .Where is Loch Ness? 14 .Where is Loch Ness? A.England B.Ireland C.Scotland D
Описание слайда:

14 .Where is Loch Ness? 14 .Where is Loch Ness? A.England B.Ireland C.Scotland D.Wales

№ слайда 16 15)Where in the UK is the Lake District? 15)Where in the UK is the Lake District
Описание слайда:

15)Where in the UK is the Lake District? 15)Where in the UK is the Lake District? A.England B.Northern Ireland C.Scotland D.Wales

№ слайда 17 16) Which is the symbol of Scotland? 16) Which is the symbol of Scotland? A.Leek
Описание слайда:

16) Which is the symbol of Scotland? 16) Which is the symbol of Scotland? A.Leek B.Rose C.Shamrock D.Thistle

№ слайда 18 17) What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom? 17) What is the highest
Описание слайда:

17) What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom? 17) What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom? A. Ben Macdhui B.Ben Nevis C.Scafell Pike D.Snowdon

№ слайда 19
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№ слайда 20
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№ слайда 21
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