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Презентация на тему: Funny animals

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Презентация на тему: Funny animals

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№ слайда 1 Funny Animals
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Funny Animals

№ слайда 2 Pekingese Puggi - winner of the longest tongue in the world - see 10.16cm.
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Pekingese Puggi - winner of the longest tongue in the world - see 10.16cm.

№ слайда 3 Reticulated python Fluffy - the longest snake alive. Its length - 7.32meters.
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Reticulated python Fluffy - the longest snake alive. Its length - 7.32meters.

№ слайда 4 Swallow (right) - 11-year-old cow from Yorkshire - posing next to the bull Fredd
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Swallow (right) - 11-year-old cow from Yorkshire - posing next to the bull Freddie. Swallow - The smallest cow in the world - 83 cm.

№ слайда 5 Colo - the oldest living gorilla in captivity. It is considered the firstgorilla
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Colo - the oldest living gorilla in captivity. It is considered the firstgorilla born in captivity. Who lives in Colo Columbus Zoo in Powell, Ohio. Colo 51 years old.

№ слайда 6 Record among animals long jump is considered to be a kangaroo -one bound the ani
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Record among animals long jump is considered to be a kangaroo -one bound the animal can overcome up to 10 meters. Little Swift fastest swifts can travel up to 150 kilometers per hour -more than any bird in the world. In his mastery of the flying swifts went so far as they can sleep on the fly at altitudes above the clouds.

№ слайда 7 Falcon longevity of birds, according to the literature, is a falcon, which can l
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Falcon longevity of birds, according to the literature, is a falcon, which can live to be 162 years old. In the sperm whale is the longest intestine. Its length is 160 m.

№ слайда 8 Flying Dog - the largest flying mammal. Span of its wings more than 2 m
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Flying Dog - the largest flying mammal. Span of its wings more than 2 m

№ слайда 9 Snails can sleep up to three years.
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Snails can sleep up to three years.

№ слайда 10 The smallest cat is the Himalayan-Tibetan cat named Tinker Toy, who lived in the
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The smallest cat is the Himalayan-Tibetan cat named Tinker Toy, who lived in the United States. He weighed only 681 grams, had a 7 cm in height and 19 cm in length.

№ слайда 11
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