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Презентация на тему: films

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Презентация на тему: films

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№ слайда 1 1. ..... his diagnosis Jeremy is still playing basketball. 1. ..... his diagnosi
Описание слайда:

1. ..... his diagnosis Jeremy is still playing basketball. 1. ..... his diagnosis Jeremy is still playing basketball. AlthoughThoughIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 2 1. ..... his diagnosis Jeremy is still playing basketball. 1. ..... his diagnosi
Описание слайда:

1. ..... his diagnosis Jeremy is still playing basketball. 1. ..... his diagnosis Jeremy is still playing basketball. AlthoughThoughIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 3 The alpinists have climbed the mountain ..... the avalanche warning. The alpinis
Описание слайда:

The alpinists have climbed the mountain ..... the avalanche warning. The alpinists have climbed the mountain ..... the avalanche warning. althoughthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 4 The alpinists have climbed the mountain ..... the avalanche warning. The alpinis
Описание слайда:

The alpinists have climbed the mountain ..... the avalanche warning. The alpinists have climbed the mountain ..... the avalanche warning. althoughthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 5 3. She always believed in me. I did not, ..... . . 3. She always believed in me.
Описание слайда:

3. She always believed in me. I did not, ..... . . 3. She always believed in me. I did not, ..... . . in spite ofthoughin spitedespite

№ слайда 6 3. She always believed in me. I did not, ..... . . 3. She always believed in me.
Описание слайда:

3. She always believed in me. I did not, ..... . . 3. She always believed in me. I did not, ..... . . in spite ofthoughin spitedespite

№ слайда 7 4. ..... robots consume much electricity, they do not make mistakes and need no
Описание слайда:

4. ..... robots consume much electricity, they do not make mistakes and need no salary. 4. ..... robots consume much electricity, they do not make mistakes and need no salary. AlthoughDespiteIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 8 4. ..... robots consume much electricity, they do not make mistakes and need no
Описание слайда:

4. ..... robots consume much electricity, they do not make mistakes and need no salary. 4. ..... robots consume much electricity, they do not make mistakes and need no salary. AlthoughDespiteIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 9 5. I found a new job, ..... I’m still studying. 5. I found a new job, ..... I’m
Описание слайда:

5. I found a new job, ..... I’m still studying. 5. I found a new job, ..... I’m still studying. althoughdespitein spite ofhowever

№ слайда 10 5. I found a new job, ..... I’m still studying. 5. I found a new job, ..... I’m
Описание слайда:

5. I found a new job, ..... I’m still studying. 5. I found a new job, ..... I’m still studying. althoughdespitein spite ofhowever

№ слайда 11 6. ..... we have carried out an extensive research, we still need more informati
Описание слайда:

6. ..... we have carried out an extensive research, we still need more information. 6. ..... we have carried out an extensive research, we still need more information. AlthoughDespiteIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 12 6. ..... we have carried out an extensive research, we still need more informati
Описание слайда:

6. ..... we have carried out an extensive research, we still need more information. 6. ..... we have carried out an extensive research, we still need more information. AlthoughDespiteIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 13 7. ..... fast a man can run, a tiger still will be faster. 7. ..... fast a man c
Описание слайда:

7. ..... fast a man can run, a tiger still will be faster. 7. ..... fast a man can run, a tiger still will be faster. AlthoughThoughHoweverDespite

№ слайда 14 7. ..... fast a man can run, a tiger still will be faster. 7. ..... fast a man c
Описание слайда:

7. ..... fast a man can run, a tiger still will be faster. 7. ..... fast a man can run, a tiger still will be faster. AlthoughThoughHoweverDespite

№ слайда 15 8. ..... public opinion he married a girl from a low class. 8. ..... public opin
Описание слайда:

8. ..... public opinion he married a girl from a low class. 8. ..... public opinion he married a girl from a low class. AlthoughThoughIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 16 8. ..... public opinion he married a girl from a low class. 8. ..... public opin
Описание слайда:

8. ..... public opinion he married a girl from a low class. 8. ..... public opinion he married a girl from a low class. AlthoughThoughIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 17 9. It is a good movie, ..... long. 9. It is a good movie, ..... long. in spite o
Описание слайда:

9. It is a good movie, ..... long. 9. It is a good movie, ..... long. in spite ofthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 18 9. It is a good movie, ..... long. 9. It is a good movie, ..... long. in spite o
Описание слайда:

9. It is a good movie, ..... long. 9. It is a good movie, ..... long. in spite ofthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 19 10. I really like it when he remains optimistic ..... any troubles. 10. I really
Описание слайда:

10. I really like it when he remains optimistic ..... any troubles. 10. I really like it when he remains optimistic ..... any troubles. althoughthoughin spite ofhowever

№ слайда 20 10. I really like it when he remains optimistic ..... any troubles. 10. I really
Описание слайда:

10. I really like it when he remains optimistic ..... any troubles. 10. I really like it when he remains optimistic ..... any troubles. althoughthoughin spite ofhowever

№ слайда 21 11. I’ve learned to stay focused ..... the surrounding noise. 11. I’ve learned t
Описание слайда:

11. I’ve learned to stay focused ..... the surrounding noise. 11. I’ve learned to stay focused ..... the surrounding noise. althoughthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 22 11. I’ve learned to stay focused ..... the surrounding noise. 11. I’ve learned t
Описание слайда:

11. I’ve learned to stay focused ..... the surrounding noise. 11. I’ve learned to stay focused ..... the surrounding noise. althoughthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 23 12. I am a professor now, ..... I was a very bad student at school. 12. I am a p
Описание слайда:

12. I am a professor now, ..... I was a very bad student at school. 12. I am a professor now, ..... I was a very bad student at school. in spite ofthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 24 12. I am a professor now, ..... I was a very bad student at school. 12. I am a p
Описание слайда:

12. I am a professor now, ..... I was a very bad student at school. 12. I am a professor now, ..... I was a very bad student at school. in spite ofthoughhoweverdespite

№ слайда 25 13. ..... this student is very creative, he is not hard-working enough. 13. ....
Описание слайда:

13. ..... this student is very creative, he is not hard-working enough. 13. ..... this student is very creative, he is not hard-working enough. In spite ofThoughHoweverDespite

№ слайда 26 13. ..... this student is very creative, he is not hard-working enough. 13. ....
Описание слайда:

13. ..... this student is very creative, he is not hard-working enough. 13. ..... this student is very creative, he is not hard-working enough. In spite ofThoughHoweverDespite

№ слайда 27 14. She was beginning to get used to this silence, ..... she still missed the no
Описание слайда:

14. She was beginning to get used to this silence, ..... she still missed the noise of the city. 14. She was beginning to get used to this silence, ..... she still missed the noise of the city. althoughdespitein spite ofhowever

№ слайда 28 14. She was beginning to get used to this silence, ..... she still missed the no
Описание слайда:

14. She was beginning to get used to this silence, ..... she still missed the noise of the city. 14. She was beginning to get used to this silence, ..... she still missed the noise of the city. althoughdespitein spite ofhowever

№ слайда 29 15. ..... our school was built only 2 years ago, many good teachers work here. 1
Описание слайда:

15. ..... our school was built only 2 years ago, many good teachers work here. 15. ..... our school was built only 2 years ago, many good teachers work here. AlthoughDespiteIn spite ofHowever

№ слайда 30 15. ..... our school was built only 2 years ago, many good teachers work here. 1
Описание слайда:

15. ..... our school was built only 2 years ago, many good teachers work here. 15. ..... our school was built only 2 years ago, many good teachers work here. AlthoughDespiteIn spite ofHowever

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