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Презентация на тему: Communicative skills

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Презентация на тему: Communicative skills

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№ слайда 1 Teacher of English Teacher of English Nazarenko Yelena Anatolievna Simferopol
Описание слайда:

Teacher of English Teacher of English Nazarenko Yelena Anatolievna Simferopol

№ слайда 2
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 3 The objective of language teaching at school is The objective of language teachi
Описание слайда:

The objective of language teaching at school is The objective of language teaching at school is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their language and communicative skills. Doing so enables them to follow international developments in their own fields and to function with ease in any communicative situation required for their careers. The aim being to develop the students` intercultural understanding. A further objective is for students to continue developing their language skills after they have finished studying.

№ слайда 4 To explore the need for the development of communicative skills in written and s
Описание слайда:

To explore the need for the development of communicative skills in written and spoken English lessons. To explore the need for the development of communicative skills in written and spoken English lessons.

№ слайда 5 The meaning of communicative skills is being taken very seriously at school. Wit
Описание слайда:

The meaning of communicative skills is being taken very seriously at school. With good communicative skills will come the encouragement, understanding, motivation, as well as training your students need in achieving their desired results. The meaning of communicative skills is being taken very seriously at school. With good communicative skills will come the encouragement, understanding, motivation, as well as training your students need in achieving their desired results. For most students, the meaning of communicative skills is an individual ability to be proficient in the use of a language both in oral and written forms. A person`s communicative skills also become the most important asset that will aid him or her on the road to success in life.

№ слайда 6 The process of studying interactions in The process of studying interactions in
Описание слайда:

The process of studying interactions in The process of studying interactions in the group: -to use various schemes and tables; -to use various types of reading and listening; -to develop written language; - to train to make dialogues. To use active methods of studying : -projects` methods; -work with Computer Technology. Problematic exercises: -summary reports; -projects; -games; - presentation; - tests

№ слайда 7
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 8 Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences. 1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was firs
Описание слайда:

Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences. 1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was first built in the ____________. 2. The original building was burnt down in _________. 3. It was burnt down ___________ times in its history. 4. Sir Christopher Wren began to build the cathedral in ______________. 5. It took him _______ years.

№ слайда 9
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 10 f a l r a g a t r e q u s a r f a l r a g a t r e q u s a r Trafalgar Square n a
Описание слайда:

f a l r a g a t r e q u s a r f a l r a g a t r e q u s a r Trafalgar Square n a t i o l a n l r y l e g a National Gallery w o r t e d e g i b r Tower Bridge

№ слайда 11 begin the talk with Ann by asking begin the talk with Ann by asking what she thi
Описание слайда:

begin the talk with Ann by asking begin the talk with Ann by asking what she thinks about this problem;

№ слайда 12 Ann is an English girl. She is from London. Alex is a Russian boy who speaks goo
Описание слайда:

Ann is an English girl. She is from London. Alex is a Russian boy who speaks good English. They are having a talk about computer programming in schools. Ann thinks that pupils must learn to use the computers. Alex thinks that schoolchildren needn't study computer programming. Suddenly something awful happens and Alex forgets all the expressions that he is supposed to use to explain his ideas. Help Alex to:

№ слайда 13 7 Form 7 Form
Описание слайда:

7 Form 7 Form

№ слайда 14 Development of communicative skills is a key component in training students in f
Описание слайда:

Development of communicative skills is a key component in training students in foreign languages. Development of communicative skills is a key component in training students in foreign languages. Communicative activities and interactive methods give students practice in using the language and results in greater knowledge. The teacher`s role in the classroom is to be a facilitator and the students should be the central focus.

№ слайда 15
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