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Презентация на тему: British Education

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Презентация на тему: British Education

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№ слайда 1 British Education
Описание слайда:

British Education

№ слайда 2 Introduction All children in the U.K. MUST receive a full-time education from th
Описание слайда:

Introduction All children in the U.K. MUST receive a full-time education from the age of 5 to 16.Compulsory-required; mandatory; obligatory (p. 155)Education in Britain is compulsory until the age of 16.

№ слайда 3 State Schools vs. “Public” Schools (p. 155) State schools are paid for by the go
Описание слайда:

State Schools vs. “Public” Schools (p. 155) State schools are paid for by the governmentGovernment control“Public” schools are paid for by the students and their families (fees)More independent than government schools

№ слайда 4 Primary Education (p.156) Ages 5-11Religion, English, Math, Geography, Nature St
Описание слайда:

Primary Education (p.156) Ages 5-11Religion, English, Math, Geography, Nature Studies, Hygiene, Art, Music, and Physical Education and Foreign LanguageMost students go to the State Schools (95 percent)

№ слайда 5 Secondary Education (p. 158) 11-16Grammar SchoolsOldest schools in UK. Top stude
Описание слайда:

Secondary Education (p. 158) 11-16Grammar SchoolsOldest schools in UK. Top students go these schoolsComprehensive Secondary SchoolsMost common type of secondary school (90% of students)Not as much emphasis placed on test scoresStudents may go to “sixth form” (Advanced Level) from the age of 16-18 if they would like to go to university.

№ слайда 6 “Public” Schools (Secondary) p. 162 Students pay fees (to send a student to a le
Описание слайда:

“Public” Schools (Secondary) p. 162 Students pay fees (to send a student to a leading school, it may cost 41,000 RMB!)UniformsShaping character, a focus on classics and science

№ слайда 7 Gap Year Many students take a year to figure out what they want to do with their
Описание слайда:

Gap Year Many students take a year to figure out what they want to do with their livesStudents spend the year after high school as volunteers or workers in foreign countries

№ слайда 8 Higher Education (p. 164) Before 1950, there were less than 20 universities and
Описание слайда:

Higher Education (p. 164) Before 1950, there were less than 20 universities and less than 200,000 studentsBy the mid-1990’s, Britain had 90 UniversitiesNow there are 1.1 million students

№ слайда 9 Oxford and Cambridge Universities Are called the “Old Universities”Started in 11
Описание слайда:

Oxford and Cambridge Universities Are called the “Old Universities”Started in 1167 and 1284 ADWere the only two universities in England until the 19th centuryOxford is the oldest university in Britain

№ слайда 10 The “Four” Scottish Universities St. Andrews UniversityGlasgow University Univer
Описание слайда:

The “Four” Scottish Universities St. Andrews UniversityGlasgow University University of AberdeenEdinburgh University

№ слайда 11 Middle-Aged Universities Universities founded between 1830-1930Often referred to
Описание слайда:

Middle-Aged Universities Universities founded between 1830-1930Often referred to as “red brick” universities

№ слайда 12 New Universities Began in the 1960’sOften referred to as “plate-glass” universit
Описание слайда:

New Universities Began in the 1960’sOften referred to as “plate-glass” universities More “modern” approachTechnical skills, etc.

№ слайда 13 The Open University (p. 167) Founded in 1969Open to everyoneDistance learning-cl
Описание слайда:

The Open University (p. 167) Founded in 1969Open to everyoneDistance learning-classes are conducted through books, audio, the internet, and DVDs. Classes are not held on a campus!Over 70% of the students are in full-time employment

№ слайда 14 Vocabulary Distance learning (The Open University) (p.167)Compulsory (p. 155)Sta
Описание слайда:

Vocabulary Distance learning (The Open University) (p.167)Compulsory (p. 155)State Schools (p. 155)“Public” Schools (p. 162)Primary schools (p. 156)Secondary schools (p. 158)Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate (p. 167)College vs. University (p. 166)

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