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Презентация на тему: About myself

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Презентация на тему: About myself

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№ слайда 1 About myself
Описание слайда:

About myself

№ слайда 2 Film The Ugly Truth
Описание слайда:

Film The Ugly Truth

№ слайда 3 Directed by Robert LuketicProduced by Katherine Heigl Karen McCullah Lutz Kirste
Описание слайда:

Directed by Robert LuketicProduced by Katherine Heigl Karen McCullah Lutz Kirsten Smith Tom RosenbergWritten by Story Nicole EastmanScreenplay Karen McCullah Lutz Kirsten Smith Nicole Eastman

№ слайда 4 Music by Aaron ZigmanCinematography Russell CarpenterStudio Relativity MediaDist
Описание слайда:

Music by Aaron ZigmanCinematography Russell CarpenterStudio Relativity MediaDistributed by Columbia PicturesRelease date(s) July 24, 2009Running time 96 minutesCountry United StatesLanguage EnglishBudget $38 millionGross revenue $104,863,190

№ слайда 5 Plot Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is a morning show TV producer in Sacramento,
Описание слайда:

Plot Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is a morning show TV producer in Sacramento, California. Coming home from a disastrous date one night, she happens to see a segment of a local television show, "The Ugly Truth", run by Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler), whose cynicism about relationships prompts Abby to call into the show to argue with him on-air. The next day, she discovers that the station is threatening to cancel her show because of its poor ratings, and the station owner has hired Mike to do a segment on her show to bring them back up.

№ слайда 6 At first, the two have a rocky relationship; Abby thinks Mike is crass and disgu
Описание слайда:

At first, the two have a rocky relationship; Abby thinks Mike is crass and disgusting while Mike finds Abby to be a control freak. Nevertheless, when she meets the man of her dreams, a doctor named Colin (Eric Winter) living next to her, Mike persuades her to follow his lead. She agrees to his helpful advice and if he can get her the man she wants, proving his theories on relationships, she will work happily with him, but if Mike fails, he agrees to quit.

№ слайда 7 Mike is invited to appear on The Late Show with Craig Ferguson and is being offe
Описание слайда:

Mike is invited to appear on The Late Show with Craig Ferguson and is being offered the chance to move to another network. Abby is forced to cancel a romantic weekend away with Colin.

№ слайда 8 After the show, they go for drinks and dancing, and Mike admits he doesn't want
Описание слайда:

After the show, they go for drinks and dancing, and Mike admits he doesn't want to move and is happier to stay in Sacramento with his sister and nephew. In the elevator, they passionately kiss and leave for their separate rooms when the doors open. He leaves Abby to be with Colin. Abby is upset and soon realizes Colin likes the woman she has been pretending to be, not the real her, and she breaks up with him.

№ слайда 9 Mike leaves for another local station, but ends up doing an outside broadcast at
Описание слайда:

Mike leaves for another local station, but ends up doing an outside broadcast at the same hot-air balloon festival as Abby, and he cannot resist returning to argue with her when she kicks the new "Mike Chadway" imitator off the air and goes into a tirade about men. The balloon they are standing in takes off while they argue Abby tells Mike she broke up with Colin, and Mike admits he loves her. Abby then kisses him and they are shown kissing passionately while flying off in the balloon. Despite their obvious differences, they stay together.

№ слайда 10 Cast Katherine Heigl as Abby Richter
Описание слайда:

Cast Katherine Heigl as Abby Richter

№ слайда 11 Gerard Butler as Mike Chadway
Описание слайда:

Gerard Butler as Mike Chadway

№ слайда 12 Eric Winter as ColinEric Winter as Colin
Описание слайда:

Eric Winter as ColinEric Winter as Colin

№ слайда 13 John Michael Higgins as Larry Bree Turner as Joy
Описание слайда:

John Michael Higgins as Larry Bree Turner as Joy

№ слайда 14 Kevin Connolly as Jim Yvette Nicole Brown as Dori Craig Ferguson as Himself
Описание слайда:

Kevin Connolly as Jim Yvette Nicole Brown as Dori Craig Ferguson as Himself

№ слайда 15 END
Описание слайда:


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