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Презентация на тему: My favorite food

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Презентация на тему: My favorite food

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№ слайда 2
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 3 JAPAN Hello, I am Keiko. I am from Japan. The Japanese like to eat products of t
Описание слайда:

JAPAN Hello, I am Keiko. I am from Japan. The Japanese like to eat products of the sea: water-plants, fish, crabs and shrimps. Also they like to eat meat. Vegetable salads are very popular too. In the morning they eat butter and cheese. And, of course, they drink a lot of tea, fruit water and mineral water. But the main dish on the table in Japan is rice.

№ слайда 4 ITALY Hello, I am Gabriel. I am from Italy. The Italians like olive oil, vegetab
Описание слайда:

ITALY Hello, I am Gabriel. I am from Italy. The Italians like olive oil, vegetables (especially tomatoes) and spaghetti. The most famous dish is spaghetti. Classical Italian dish is pizza. It has different fillings: cheese, sausages, tomatoes, pepper, fish, mushrooms, carrots, eggs and others. Also the Italians like vegetables with olive oil. The Italian cheese is very popular.

№ слайда 5 SCOTLAND Hello, I am Robin. I am from Scotland. In the morning people like to ea
Описание слайда:

SCOTLAND Hello, I am Robin. I am from Scotland. In the morning people like to eat different porridges with butter, milk and cream. They like sea foods: fish, crabs and shrimps. The Scots like to eat different soups: fish soup, potato soup, soup with cabbage ,the Scots like meat dishes. But the most popular national dish in Scotland is haggis.       

№ слайда 6 HAGGIS National Scottish dish of sheep's offal (heart, liver and lungs), chopped
Описание слайда:

HAGGIS National Scottish dish of sheep's offal (heart, liver and lungs), chopped with onions, bacon, spices and salt and cooked in mutton stomach

№ слайда 7 национальное шотландскoe блюдо из бараньих потрохов(сердца, печени и легких), по
Описание слайда:

национальное шотландскoe блюдо из бараньих потрохов(сердца, печени и легких), порубленных с луком, салом, приправами и солью и сваренных в бараньем желудке.

№ слайда 8 UKRAINE rassolnik borsch varenyky holubtsi deruny salo kholodets kompot kvas rya
Описание слайда:

UKRAINE rassolnik borsch varenyky holubtsi deruny salo kholodets kompot kvas ryazhanka

№ слайда 9 babka kutia paska syrniki kalach kefir mlintsi karavai
Описание слайда:

babka kutia paska syrniki kalach kefir mlintsi karavai

№ слайда 10 Make up the dialogue. - Vanilla ice cream, please.- Anything else?- Good morning
Описание слайда:

Make up the dialogue. - Vanilla ice cream, please.- Anything else?- Good morning! Can I help you?- Wait a minute, please.- Strawberry, vanilla or chocolate ice cream?- A glass of orange juice, please.I`d like 2 pancakes with cheese and ice cream.No, thank you.- Would you like something to drink? 

№ слайда 11 In the restaurant - Good morning! Can I help you?I`d like 2 pancakes with cheese
Описание слайда:

In the restaurant - Good morning! Can I help you?I`d like 2 pancakes with cheese and ice cream.Strawberry, vanilla or chocolate ice cream?- Vanilla ice cream, please.- Would you like something to drink?- A glass of orange juice, please.- Anything else?No, thank you.- Wait a minute, please.

№ слайда 12 In the cafe A woman came into the café for a plate of soup. When it was served s
Описание слайда:

In the cafe A woman came into the café for a plate of soup. When it was served she looked at it and said:“Waiter, I can`t eat that soup.”The waiter took the plate away and brought another plate of soup.“I think you`ll like it, madam.”“I can`t eat that soup.”“Why? This soup is very tasty! Why can`t you eat it?“Because I have no spoon.”

№ слайда 13 Are you a healthy child?
Описание слайда:

Are you a healthy child?

№ слайда 14 1.Do you often go to McDonalds?Never seldomoften
Описание слайда:

1.Do you often go to McDonalds?Never seldomoften

№ слайда 15 2. What would like to you eat for breakfast?a) porridge b) hamburger with tea c)
Описание слайда:

2. What would like to you eat for breakfast?a) porridge b) hamburger with tea c) pizza with coke

№ слайда 16 3. What would you like to eat for dinner? a) porridge b) meat c) I would go to M
Описание слайда:

3. What would you like to eat for dinner? a) porridge b) meat c) I would go to McDonalds

№ слайда 17 4. What would you like to eat for supper? a) salad with orange juice b) cheese c
Описание слайда:

4. What would you like to eat for supper? a) salad with orange juice b) cheese c) hamburger

№ слайда 18 5. Do you do morning exercises?a) every morning b)seldom c) never
Описание слайда:

5. Do you do morning exercises?a) every morning b)seldom c) never

№ слайда 19 A: You are a healthy child B: You have some problems with your health C: Only do
Описание слайда:

A: You are a healthy child B: You have some problems with your health C: Only doctor can help you!

№ слайда 20 MAKE UP THE SENTENCES1.eat/in the morning/porridge/I2.She/milk/with/coffee/drink
Описание слайда:

MAKE UP THE SENTENCES1.eat/in the morning/porridge/I2.She/milk/with/coffee/drink/does not3.hamburgers/they/with/like/cheese4.We/eat/for breakfast/do not/pizza/fish/or5.For /supper/would/I/orange/like/juice

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