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Презентация на тему: Read and learn

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Презентация на тему: Read and learn

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№ слайда 1 Read and learn Презентацию составила учитель английского языка Тангочина Людмила
Описание слайда:

Read and learn Презентацию составила учитель английского языка Тангочина Людмила Викторовна МО СОШ №24 г. Благовещенска

№ слайда 2 My cat is black,My cat is fat, My cat likes rats.Rats are grey and fat.
Описание слайда:

My cat is black,My cat is fat, My cat likes rats.Rats are grey and fat.

№ слайда 3 I like dogs,All dogs,Big dogs And small dogs,But I like best, As you can see,The
Описание слайда:

I like dogs,All dogs,Big dogs And small dogs,But I like best, As you can see,The dog,Who likes To play with me.

№ слайда 4 Little grey mouse.- Little grey mouse, Where is your house? - I can show you my
Описание слайда:

Little grey mouse.- Little grey mouse, Where is your house? - I can show you my flatIf you don't tell the cat.My flat has no doorI live under the floorI come out in the nightAnd go back when it's light.

№ слайда 5 My dog has 4 legs,I have only 2.My dog likes to run,I like to run too.
Описание слайда:

My dog has 4 legs,I have only 2.My dog likes to run,I like to run too.

№ слайда 6 I have a little Pussy, And her coat is grey,She lives in my house, And she never
Описание слайда:

I have a little Pussy, And her coat is grey,She lives in my house, And she never runs away.

№ слайда 7 Look at the pig.It is very big.Look at the girl-She has a toy.
Описание слайда:

Look at the pig.It is very big.Look at the girl-She has a toy.

№ слайда 8 I have a kite,My kite is white,My kite is in the sky.Fly high, my kite,Fly high,
Описание слайда:

I have a kite,My kite is white,My kite is in the sky.Fly high, my kite,Fly high, white kite,Fly high in the blue sky.

№ слайда 9 I see nine applesOn the apple-tree,Six of them fallAnd now they are three.
Описание слайда:

I see nine applesOn the apple-tree,Six of them fallAnd now they are three.

№ слайда 10 Green frog, green frog,Where do you live?I live in the forest, I live in the zoo
Описание слайда:

Green frog, green frog,Where do you live?I live in the forest, I live in the zoo.And what about you?

№ слайда 11 Green frog, green frog,Where do you live?I live in the forest, I live in the zoo
Описание слайда:

Green frog, green frog,Where do you live?I live in the forest, I live in the zoo.And what about you?

№ слайда 12 Anns cat is black,Janes cat is grey,They often drink milkAnd wash every day.
Описание слайда:

Anns cat is black,Janes cat is grey,They often drink milkAnd wash every day.

№ слайда 13 Little Jack SpratOnce had a pig;It was not very little,Not yet very big,It was n
Описание слайда:

Little Jack SpratOnce had a pig;It was not very little,Not yet very big,It was not very lean,It was not very fat«It's a good pig to grunt»,Said little Jack Sprat.

№ слайда 14 Betty is a funny girl.She thinksThe sun is gold,The moon is cheese. Little girl,
Описание слайда:

Betty is a funny girl.She thinksThe sun is gold,The moon is cheese. Little girl, little girl,Where have you been?I've been to see grandmotherOver the green.

№ слайда 15 There were two blackbirds,Sitting on a hill,The one named Jack,The other named J
Описание слайда:

There were two blackbirds,Sitting on a hill,The one named Jack,The other named Jill;Fly away, Jack!Fly away, Jill!Come again, Jack!Come again, Jill!

№ слайда 16 Baa, Baa, Black SheepBaa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Описание слайда:

Baa, Baa, Black SheepBaa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes, sir, yes, sir,Three bags full;One for the master,And one for the dame,And one for the little boyWho lives down the lane.

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