воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей развитие у школьников инициативности и самостоятельности, толерантности и уважения к другим нациям и культурам, способности к успешной самореализации обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка
расширение кругозора учащихся, за счёт ознакомления с новой информацией по теме ‘British theatre‘ расширение кругозора учащихся, за счёт ознакомления с новой информацией по теме ‘British theatre‘ развитие у учащихся внутренней мотивации к изучению языка и культуры, развитие у детей внимания и восприятия, слуховой памяти, мышления и воображения, способностей к аналитической деятельности Развитие у обучающихся коммуникативной компетентности, навыков аудирования и чтения с извлечением информации, пониманием и восприятием текстов, спонтанного и подготовленного говорения, развитие творческих способностей, используя ИКТ развитие творческого самовыражения учащихся в презентации своего отношения к данному виду искусства и своего понимания красоты
Britain has long traditions of drama. The most famous British theatres are the National Theatre and the Barbican.
Theatre театр Theatre театр Drama драма Opera опера Musical мюзикл Actor актёр Actress актриса Director режиссёр Designer художник Play пьеса Company труппа Performance представление Talented талантливый Successful успешный
Royal National Theatre a government-funded repertory company based in London.
In the early 1590 Shakespeare are set up his own theatre, the Globe, where his company performed his plays.
Nowadays an exact reconstruction of the Globe is being built and visitors can show expience what it was like to go to the theatre 400 years ago. .
Acting, both by amateurs and professionais, is still very much alive in Britain.
About 5%million people,many of them tourists, go to see a musical every year in London.
The show's most popular song, Memory, has now become one of the most successful songs in musical history.
Eight years later it became the longest-running musical in the history of the British theatre. On June 1997, the musical became the longest-running show in the history of Broadway.
1.Wheh did the British theatre begin ? 1.Wheh did the British theatre begin ? British Theatre began in the XIII century. 2.What the most famous British theatres do you know ? The British famous theatres are: The National Theatre The New London Theatre The Old Vic Theatre 3.How many theatres are in London West End? There are 50 theatres in London’s West End. 4.What is the most popular London musical? The most popular London’s musical is “Cats”. 5.What is the title of the most popular song in “Cats”? The show’s most popular song is “Memory”.
There are over 50 theatres in London's West End, the area in London with most theatres, and about 35 smaller fringe theatres.
1. British Theatre began, in the XIX century. 1. British Theatre began, in the XIX century. 2. Small theatre groups receive money from the government. 3. The “Cats” opened at the New London Theatre, in the West End in 1981. 4. The “Cats” has been played to packed houses only in London. 5. The afternoon performances was called matinee.
The Royal Shakespeare Company performs at the Barbican in London and in Stratford-on-Avon where Shakespeare was born.
Draw Your Own Poster of Your Favorite Play. Draw Your Own Poster of Your Favorite Play.