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Презентация на тему: Inventions made by Russian scientists

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Презентация на тему: Inventions made by Russian scientists

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers Such skill as sewing shirts Our shy youn
Описание слайда:

Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers Such skill as sewing shirts Our shy young sister Suzie shows Some soldiers send epistles Say they'd rather sleep in thistles Than the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Suzie sews. Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers Such skill as sewing shirts Our shy young sister Suzie shows Some soldiers send epistles Say they'd rather sleep in thistles Than the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Suzie sews.

№ слайда 3 What important inventions were made in Russia? What important inventions were ma
Описание слайда:

What important inventions were made in Russia? What important inventions were made in Russia? When were they made? Do you know the names of the inventors?

№ слайда 4 In August 1939 Michael Ilich Koshkin at the Kharkov factory has invented tank T-
Описание слайда:

In August 1939 Michael Ilich Koshkin at the Kharkov factory has invented tank T-34. In August 1939 Michael Ilich Koshkin at the Kharkov factory has invented tank T-34. Ivan Polzunov the Russian inventor-self-educated person, 1763 two-cylinder steam-engine which has created April. 1890 the Russian armourer Sergey Mosin has created a three-linear rifle (7,62 mm). Nikolay Slovianov the Russian inventor, the mountain engineer the metallurgist the welding device which has created to 1888 for welding by a metal electrode and patented it in 1891.

№ слайда 5 The inventor of the first-ever two-wheeled bicycle was EFIM ARTAMONOV, the serf
Описание слайда:

The inventor of the first-ever two-wheeled bicycle was EFIM ARTAMONOV, the serf of Pozhvinsky factory. It is necessary to consider 1800 as year of the invention of a skateboard - a prototype of a modern bicycle. Artamonov's skateboard was iron, had two wheels, located one behind another. The forward wheel was almost twice more back. They fastened the bent metal frame. Feodor Blinov is the inventor-self-educated person who has created in 1877 a caterpillar platform and a tractor.

№ слайда 6 … is said/believed/thought/ … is said/believed/thought/ supposed to be … by … in
Описание слайда:

… is said/believed/thought/ … is said/believed/thought/ supposed to be … by … in… . But actually/ in fact … … … by … long before that time in … .

№ слайда 7 1)The Lamp is believed to be invented by the Swiss physicist Argand in 1783. 1)T
Описание слайда:

1)The Lamp is believed to be invented by the Swiss physicist Argand in 1783. 1)The Lamp is believed to be invented by the Swiss physicist Argand in 1783. But actually it had been invented by Ivan Kulibin long before that time in 1779. 2)The electric are is said to be discovered by Humphry Davy in 1811. But actually it had been discovered by V.Petrov long before that time in 1802. 3)The light bulb is thought to be made by Thomas Edison in 1877. But actually it had been made by Alexander Lodygin long before that time in 1873. 4)The aeroplane is believed to be built by Wright brothers in 1882. But actually it had been designed by Mozhaisky long before that time in 1878.

№ слайда 8 I was born in … I was born in … By the time I was born … I think …
Описание слайда:

I was born in … I was born in … By the time I was born … I think …

№ слайда 9 I was born in 1985. I was born in 1985. By the time I was born trainers, VCRs, h
Описание слайда:

I was born in 1985. I was born in 1985. By the time I was born trainers, VCRs, hamburgers, MS-DOS had been invented and cloning had been developed. I think that trainers are very comfortable. I think VCRs are very useful and entertaining. I think hamburgers are very tasty though and bad for your health. I think MS-DOS is necessary for computers. I think cloning is dangerous.

№ слайда 10 Page 225 exercise 7 Page 225 exercise 7
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Page 225 exercise 7 Page 225 exercise 7

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