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Презентация на тему: Australian Wildlife and Flora

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Презентация на тему: Australian Wildlife and Flora

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№ слайда 1 Australian Wildlife and Flora
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Australian Wildlife and Flora

№ слайда 2 Flora Australia is blessed with a fascinating mix of native flora. Its distincti
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Flora Australia is blessed with a fascinating mix of native flora. Its distinctive plants include the gum tree or eucalypt, of which there are some 700 species. Other common plants are wattle, banksia, waratahs, bottlebrushes, paperbarks and tea trees. Flora of Australia consists of 15,638 native species, 1,952 naturalised species giving a total of 17,590 species. 83 species are presumed extinct

№ слайда 3 Eucalyptus Jacarandas Rainforests Grass Tree Ivory Cane Palm Fern
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Eucalyptus Jacarandas Rainforests Grass Tree Ivory Cane Palm Fern

№ слайда 4 RainforestsPalmsPine
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№ слайда 5   Fauna Australia has around 240 species of mammals, 800 species of birds, 380 s
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  Fauna Australia has around 240 species of mammals, 800 species of birds, 380 species of reptiles, 122 species of frogs, and 180 species of freshwater fish. The remainder are invertebrates, including insects. Native animals include the Kangaroo, Koala, Emu, Possum, Wombat, Platypus,Echidna and Dingo.

№ слайда 6 Australia is home to many unigue animal species such as the platypus, which is a
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Australia is home to many unigue animal species such as the platypus, which is an aquatic, furred mammal with a bill like that of a duck. The Platypus belongs to an animal group known as monotreme's. Another animal belonging to this group is the spiny anteater, or echidna. Most native mammals are marsupials. These include koalas, kangaroos, possums, flying foxes and the ferocious Tasmanian Devil. Australia also contains many varieties of crocodile, they are found in the tropical zone of Australia and they inhabit swamps, rivers and can also be found in the ocean near a river mouth. Lizards are very common, there are over 500 different species including Goannas, Geckos and Dragons. The Australian continent is also home to the most venomous snakes and spiders in the world, as well the deadly Box Jelly Fish. Australia is populated by many colourful bird species such as parrots, budgerigars, rosellas, gallahs, finches and cockatoos. The Emu is Australia's largest bird and is related to the Ostrich

№ слайда 7 Koala
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№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 It is hard to get close enough to a wild emu, but one sometimes gets lucky...
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It is hard to get close enough to a wild emu, but one sometimes gets lucky...

№ слайда 10
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№ слайда 11 This is a bandicoot that just loves pieces of green apples that fall down after
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This is a bandicoot that just loves pieces of green apples that fall down after parrots pick on them.

№ слайда 12 Dingo
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№ слайда 13 Platypus
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№ слайда 14 Tasmanian Devil
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Tasmanian Devil

№ слайда 15 Possum
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№ слайда 16 Both salt and freshwater crocodiles are found in the tropics, which comprises an
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Both salt and freshwater crocodiles are found in the tropics, which comprises an area of the top third of Australia.

№ слайда 17 There are also many interesting and colourful birdsincluding Parrots, Cockatoos,
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There are also many interesting and colourful birdsincluding Parrots, Cockatoos, and Kookaburras

№ слайда 18 . In the evening one can see owls sitting on trees and on sides of roads, wedge
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. In the evening one can see owls sitting on trees and on sides of roads, wedge tail eagles and falcons are also quite frequent. Galahs and black cockatoos are the most common birds, whilst kookaburra is a rare guest.

№ слайда 19
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№ слайда 20 Green parrots are rather cheeky and are especially fond of green apples
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Green parrots are rather cheeky and are especially fond of green apples

№ слайда 21 Australia has the most poisonous snakes on earth, including the Venomous Brown,
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Australia has the most poisonous snakes on earth, including the Venomous Brown, Tiger, Death Adder, Copperhead and red bellied black varieties.

№ слайда 22 Sea creatures to be avoided include some sea snakes, sharks and the Box Jelly Fi
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Sea creatures to be avoided include some sea snakes, sharks and the Box Jelly Fish, which are many times more venomous than snakes. The Box Jelly Fish or Stingers as they are also known are only a threat during the summer season in tropical Australia.

№ слайда 23 1,500 species of fish live in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
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1,500 species of fish live in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

№ слайда 24
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№ слайда 25 Fauna includes spiders such as the Redback and Funnel Web. The spider below is d
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Fauna includes spiders such as the Redback and Funnel Web. The spider below is dangerous - the bite of a 'red back' could sometimes be fatal.The body size of it is about 2 cm (3/4 ") in size.

№ слайда 26 A creature is very prickly and has a lump of fat on its neck.
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A creature is very prickly and has a lump of fat on its neck.

№ слайда 27 These are photos of creatures one can find in a typical garden.
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These are photos of creatures one can find in a typical garden.

№ слайда 28 Australians love their wildlife
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Australians love their wildlife

№ слайда 29 Endangered species Some food for thoughtSince the settlement of Australia by Eur
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Endangered species Some food for thoughtSince the settlement of Australia by Europeans in 1788, 30 species of mammals and birds have become extinctThe last toolache wallaby( a small kangaroo) was seen in 1927

№ слайда 30
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№ слайда 31 Millions of koalas lived in the forests of Eastern and Southern Australia in 170
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Millions of koalas lived in the forests of Eastern and Southern Australia in 1700Over 1,000,000 Koalas were killed for their skins in 6 months in 1916Over 2,000,000 Koala skins were exported from Australia in 1922600,000 Koalas were killed in Queensland in 1 month in 1927Koalas became extinct in South Australia

№ слайда 32 AUSTRALIAN ZOOS The Taronga ZooKakadu National ParkThe Great Barrier Reef Marine
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AUSTRALIAN ZOOS The Taronga ZooKakadu National ParkThe Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkActivities-display animals-protect endangered species-provide veterinary care for sick, injured or orphaned animals-return animals to their natural habitat-organize school activities

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