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Презентация на тему: Australian English Pronunciation

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Презентация на тему: Australian English Pronunciation

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№ слайда 1 Ministry of education and science of UkraineDragomanov National Pedagogical Univ
Описание слайда:

Ministry of education and science of UkraineDragomanov National Pedagogical University Presentation Topic: Australian English Pronunciation Kyiv 2009

№ слайда 2 Information File Total area: 7.7 million sq. kmTotal population: 20 millionEthni
Описание слайда:

Information File Total area: 7.7 million sq. kmTotal population: 20 millionEthnic mix: 92% white, 7% Asian, 1% AborigineCapital: CanberraPopulation of capital: 330.000Government: A federation of 6 states and 2 territories. Australia was a British colony until 1901. It is still a monarchy (Britain’s monarch is also Australia’s ) but it is now an independent state. Climate: Coasts: fertile, mountainous North: tropical Centre: desert (known as “the bush” or “the outback”)

№ слайда 3 There are different ways to identify the meaning of the accent phenomenon:A way
Описание слайда:

There are different ways to identify the meaning of the accent phenomenon:A way of pronouncing the language.A unified entity of pronunciation patterns used for communicative interaction by the members of the same speech community. Speakers of the same accent typically :Share a relevant social or geographical attribute and Maintain a uniform set of phonological characteristics, despite a certain amount of limited phonetic and lexical –incidental variation between them An emphasis given to words or syllables by means of pitch, loudness and lengthPronounciation features in a foreign language influenced by the mother tongue

№ слайда 4 Australian Pronunciation Today, is the 6th largest countries in the world by are
Описание слайда:

Australian Pronunciation Today, is the 6th largest countries in the world by area (and in some 30 times bigger than GB). Australian population is mostly urban, living in the fertile areas near the coast. The Distinctive features of AuE:It’s typical of AuE speakers to shorten words. That gives “Strine” (a popular term for AuE) its special style – informal, friendly and sometimes funny e.g. mozzie=mosquito postie=postman Aussie= Australian beaut=beautiful barbie=barbecue biggie=something big

№ слайда 5
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 6 Language PracticeTest yourself Name the correct equivalents of the AuE words:
Описание слайда:

Language PracticeTest yourself Name the correct equivalents of the AuE words:

№ слайда 7 2. AuE also incorporates several uniquely Australian terms: Outback- to refer to
Описание слайда:

2. AuE also incorporates several uniquely Australian terms: Outback- to refer to remote regional areas;Walkabout – to refer to a long journey of uncertain length;Bush – to refer to native forested areas, but also to regional areas as well.

№ слайда 8 3. There are a lot of special words for farming and agriculture and popular Aust
Описание слайда:

3. There are a lot of special words for farming and agriculture and popular Australian people use all the time. Examples of a few common Australian words: Amber fluid – beer;Bonzer – very good;Crook – ill;Lollies – sweets;Bush station – farm,Pom – an English person,Seppo – an American

№ слайда 9 Language Practice Test Yourself Listen to Caroline talking about her favourite w
Описание слайда:

Language Practice Test Yourself Listen to Caroline talking about her favourite watersport. Which of the sports is she describing? Scuba Diving Waterskiing Surfing Windsurfing Key: Scuba diving

№ слайда 10 Check your knowledge about Australia How many people live in Australia?Why are a
Описание слайда:

Check your knowledge about Australia How many people live in Australia?Why are all the major Australian cities on the coast?Who are the people on the photos? What is the city on the photograph? Is it the capital of Australia? 5. Do you think Canberra is a large city? 6. Who is Australia’s current monarch?

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