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Презентация на тему: урок-игра

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Презентация на тему: урок-игра

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№ слайда 1 English in the Borderline Schools HIPPO-PROJECT
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English in the Borderline Schools HIPPO-PROJECT

№ слайда 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - Case study 1 Bad News! Your plane has crashed some
Описание слайда:

PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - Case study 1 Bad News! Your plane has crashed somewhere off the coast of Borneo. A small group of survivors has managed to swim ashore onto a small deserted island. Help is several weeks away. By the way, you’re also very hungry and have been looking around for something to eat for days, finally you get lucky and spot something moving.………………….. By the way, you’re also very hungry and have been looking around for something to eat for days, finally you get lucky and spot something moving.…………………..

№ слайда 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - Case Study 1 You realize that you are stranded wit
Описание слайда:

PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - Case Study 1 You realize that you are stranded with only a hippopotamus for food. You need a plan! You realize that you are stranded with only a hippopotamus for food. You need a plan!

№ слайда 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - Case Study 1 Step One: Get into small work teams.
Описание слайда:

PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - Case Study 1 Step One: Get into small work teams. Step Two: You have fifteen minutes to work out a plan on how to eat the hippopotamus. Step Three: Make sure that the plan is as detailed as possible to be able to present to the rest of the group. Step Four: The best action plan will be chosen by the group and the winners will each receive a juicy hippo burger.

№ слайда 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - applications You have just completed a fun exercis
Описание слайда:

PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - applications You have just completed a fun exercise in project management. Effective project management is an important skill for a manager to possess. Organizing a school social event Planning a language seminar Creating a marketing campaign Developing an ESP course Implementing a new directive from HQ Eating a hippopotamus

№ слайда 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP -main characteristics The main characteristics of a
Описание слайда:

PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP -main characteristics The main characteristics of a project are as follows: 1. Instrument of change 2. Clearly identifiable start and finish 3. Specific aims 4. Results in something being delivered 5. Is unique 6. Is the responsibility of a single person/body. 7. Involves costs, resources and time 8. Uses a wide variety of resources and skills

№ слайда 7 Summary of Hippo Case Study
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Summary of Hippo Case Study

№ слайда 8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP -the Project Manager To plan To organize To co-ordin
Описание слайда:

PROJECT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP -the Project Manager To plan To organize To co-ordinate To control To lead It is essential that the project leader is a good communicator who can get a good influential sponsor. Promote the project and manage user expectation.

№ слайда 9 Lack of planning. Team has no sense of direction. The plan has a lack of stakeho
Описание слайда:

Lack of planning. Team has no sense of direction. The plan has a lack of stakeholders. Without support the plan cannot be implemented. Project manager completes plan alone. When appropriate people are involved in the buy-in there will be a higher quality plan with more insights and a smoother path for implementation. The team thinks implementation will be easy. The job is underestimated and unexpected consequences can derail project.

№ слайда 10 Go to Case Study Assignment!
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Go to Case Study Assignment!

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