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Презентация на тему: Национальный парк России "Леопард"

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Презентация на тему: Национальный парк России "Леопард"

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 Land of the Leopard National Park was established to preserve the natural enviro
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Land of the Leopard National Park was established to preserve the natural environment in the population of the Far Eastern leopard. Land of the Leopard National Park was established to preserve the natural environment in the population of the Far Eastern leopard. The park was established in 2012 and 5 April. Its total area - 261,868.84 hectares. By the "Land of Leopard" park area adjoining reserve "Cedar Pad".

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№ слайда 4 Places suitable habitat for leopards are mainly in the area of broad-leaved and
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Places suitable habitat for leopards are mainly in the area of broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests, which starts on the coast and extends to a height of 800 m above sea level. Of these, the most favorable low mountains and hilly, adjacent to the shores of the Sea of Japan with lots of rocky outcrops. Places suitable habitat for leopards are mainly in the area of broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests, which starts on the coast and extends to a height of 800 m above sea level. Of these, the most favorable low mountains and hilly, adjacent to the shores of the Sea of Japan with lots of rocky outcrops. In the protected area of the pools are located several rivers and large lakes – Hassan. The park is dominated by the monsoon climate. The average annual temperature is 4 ° C. January is the coldest month, its average temperature is -15 C frost-free period lasts about 185 days.

№ слайда 5 The flora of the park is represented by 82 species of vascular plants, which bel
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The flora of the park is represented by 82 species of vascular plants, which belong to the protected and rare in the Primorsky Territory. From the total number of species is 38%. Most of the plants (46 species) is included in the Red Book of Russia. The flora of the park is represented by 82 species of vascular plants, which belong to the protected and rare in the Primorsky Territory. From the total number of species is 38%. Most of the plants (46 species) is included in the Red Book of Russia. The fauna of the National Park different species diversity. It is home to rare species of animals included in the Red Book and the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The protected area is a permanent habitat of the Amur leopard. The local lakes and rivers is found 10 species of fish. Among amphibians widespread Far Eastern frog, common toad, Siberian salamander, oriental fire-bellied toad.

№ слайда 6 The forests and meadows nature reserve inhabited by the Amur takydromus, Adders,
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The forests and meadows nature reserve inhabited by the Amur takydromus, Adders, runners. The rotten stumps, trees, flowering meadows are found numerous insects. Here you can see exotic butterflies, in particular pavlinoglazok Brameya and Artem, moths erebomorfa and Ussuri, Donaciinae Schrenk. The forests and meadows nature reserve inhabited by the Amur takydromus, Adders, runners. The rotten stumps, trees, flowering meadows are found numerous insects. Here you can see exotic butterflies, in particular pavlinoglazok Brameya and Artem, moths erebomorfa and Ussuri, Donaciinae Schrenk. On a protected area inhabited by different species of mammals. Rodents are presented in the first red-gray vole. Usual greater long-tailed hamster, shrew, otter, speakers, American mink. Among the rare species - Ussuri Procellariiform and Ikonnikova bat, giant shrew and most small mammal in Russia - a tiny shrew. In addition, in the national park can be seen flying squirrel, chipmunk, shrub Manchurian hare. Among the large mammals common wild boar, roe deer, Himalayan black bear. Less commonly, in a protected area meets musk deer and sika deer. It is home to the representatives of the cat family: wild cat Far East, Far Eastern leopard, the Amur tiger. "Land of Leopard" Quite a varied bird fauna of the national park. Wood warblers inhabit (Whitehead and svetlogolovaya) zheltospinnaya and blue flycatcher, brown hawk-owl, Indian scops owl. Also here there are the following types of birds: gray wagtail, mandarin duck, kingfisher, Brown Dipper.

№ слайда 7 By the way, today anyone can observe the life of leopards in the wild: the park
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By the way, today anyone can observe the life of leopards in the wild: the park is a unique series of shooting these animals. By the way, today anyone can observe the life of leopards in the wild: the park is a unique series of shooting these animals. Its creators promise to show the audience something amazing, something not seen even by those who studied the leopard throughout his life. The series will show the real life of a large family of leopards without special effects and embellishments. To date, the series came five series, which can be seen on the official website of the National Park "Land of Leopard"

№ слайда 8 This is the least few and almost the smallest, but the most hardy predator spott
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This is the least few and almost the smallest, but the most hardy predator spotted subspecies of the nine existing ones, which paid close attention to the area of environmental complex "Land of Leopard". National Park has all the conditions for successful reproduction in population. This is the least few and almost the smallest, but the most hardy predator spotted subspecies of the nine existing ones, which paid close attention to the area of environmental complex "Land of Leopard". National Park has all the conditions for successful reproduction in population. He has excellent vision: a distance of 1.5 km of the beast is able to see their prey, so he prefers to populate the steep ridges, which also help him to avoid meeting with the tiger - its natural enemy. It is an excellent climber, runner, swimmer and diver. From the place Amur leopard can jump to a height of five meters. This result he achieves because of its long tail, which also serves as a balancer during maneuvers and descent of a steep slope. The Far Eastern leopard is able to drag production exceeding its own weight in 2 times.

№ слайда 9 This ecological path length of 1680 meters operating since 2006. This ecological
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This ecological path length of 1680 meters operating since 2006. This ecological path length of 1680 meters operating since 2006. The trail, elevation changes which are 100 meters, is equipped with observation decks, parking for recreation, information boards and bridges through the picturesque Glens. The route crosses the areas of broad-leaved forests of cedar plantings of different ages and rare plants, and also passes through the fern forest. These zones provide a clear understanding of "home" Leopard.

№ слайда 10 From this information it can be concluded that the plot of land on which there i
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From this information it can be concluded that the plot of land on which there is a National Park, it is an amazing and unique, to which people have to take good care of, thus preserves the population of the animal and plant worlds. From this information it can be concluded that the plot of land on which there is a National Park, it is an amazing and unique, to which people have to take good care of, thus preserves the population of the animal and plant worlds. For the sake of curiosity and extreme sensations can visit this place and remember this day for the rest of life.

№ слайда 11
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