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Презентация на тему: The Earth is in danger

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Презентация на тему: The Earth is in danger

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№ слайда 3 Deepen and broaden children's knowledge about the impact of humans on nature. Br
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Deepen and broaden children's knowledge about the impact of humans on nature. Bring the children to realize the need to preserve and promote natural resources rationally use them. Deepen and broaden children's knowledge about the impact of humans on nature. Bring the children to realize the need to preserve and promote natural resources rationally use them. Develop: cognitive interest, cognitive activity; language; observation; creative abilities of students; ability to find, analyze, organize information and use it; ability to work in a group. Train heed economic relationship to nature, as his home, the desire to save the planet Earth for future generations, love of nature, environmental literacy and awareness that the Earth - our common home.

№ слайда 4 Environmental protection has become one of the most difficult Environmental prot
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Environmental protection has become one of the most difficult Environmental protection has become one of the most difficult   problems 20 centuries. Our planet gives people the natural resources, rivers, forests, fields that is the basis of all industrial and agricultural production. Industrial development is bad for the whole nature of our world. Industry people are often very polluting land and water. This is very dangerous because it is harmful to health.

№ слайда 5 The Earth Is In Danger   The Earth is our home. It gives us everything: foo
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The Earth Is In Danger   The Earth is our home. It gives us everything: food, clothes and houses. But our earth is in danger because people don’t care of it. We want to see blue seas, green trees that are why we must protect our Earth.

№ слайда 6 Global Warming Global warming is another concern for many people around the worl
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Global Warming Global warming is another concern for many people around the world. They worry about water, air as well as soil. The earth is getting warmer and warmer by the day, they say. Well, that’s change and it is not caused by us. That is all nature.

№ слайда 7 Saving the Endangered Species Now how many times have we heard humans yelp about
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Saving the Endangered Species Now how many times have we heard humans yelp about saving species that are declining with each passing day? If you add sensitivity to the issue, the discussion might seem fair and many people would join hands for the cause. However, if you think logically, it is just another attempt by humans to exhibit their controlling behaviour. Humans are trying to control nature, which is meddling with natural occurrences, and that can be dangerous. Statistically, since life began on earth, 90% of species that have existed have disappeared and humans are not responsible for their disappearance. Nature took its course; that’s what happened. Save the trees, save the tigers, save the whales – its evolution and we need to accept the change.

№ слайда 8 Soil erosion
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Soil erosion

№ слайда 9 Forest - the lungs of a planet In all countries in every corner of the world hel
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Forest - the lungs of a planet In all countries in every corner of the world held massive deforestation. The problems of the forest that the destruction of trees killed many more species of plants and animals. Violated ecological balance in nature. After the forest - it's not just the trees. This harmonious ecosystem, based on the interaction of many species of flora and fauna. In trees, the importance of its existence with shrubs, grasses, lichens, insects, animals and even bacteria. Despite massive deforestation, forests still cover about 30% of the land. This is more than 4 billion hectares of land. More than half of them - a tropical forest. However, important in the ecology of the planet and also played the North, especially conifers arrays. Green richest country in the world - is Finland and Canada. In Russia, are about 25% of world reserves of forest. The smallest trees left in Europe. Now forests cover only a third of its territory, but in ancient times it was completely covered with trees. And, for example, in England it is almost gone, only 6% of the land given to the park and forest plantations.

№ слайда 10 Acid rain Acid rain - widely used term that indicate the occurrence of rainfall,
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Acid rain Acid rain - widely used term that indicate the occurrence of rainfall, which contain a mixture of water and tiny particles of nitrogen oxide or sulfur oxide concentrations that exceed normal natural background. Vivacious use of resources of the planet, large scale combustion, environmentally imperfect technology - clear signs of rapid industrial development that eventually accompanied by chemical pollution of water, air and land. Acid rain - just one manifestation of such pollution.

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№ слайда 12 Air pollution - one of the main types of anthropogenic pollution. Is to release
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Air pollution - one of the main types of anthropogenic pollution. Is to release into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter and biological materials that can cause harm to humans and other organisms. Often the effect of pollution is indirect and evident only after a long time, for example, certain substances can reduce the thickness of the ozone layer, thus impacting on most terrestrial ecosystems. Air pollution - one of the main types of anthropogenic pollution. Is to release into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter and biological materials that can cause harm to humans and other organisms. Often the effect of pollution is indirect and evident only after a long time, for example, certain substances can reduce the thickness of the ozone layer, thus impacting on most terrestrial ecosystems.

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