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Презентация на тему: Christmas Story Рождественская история

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Презентация на тему: Christmas Story Рождественская история

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№ слайда 1 Christmas Story Рождественская история Творческий проект Ангелина Тарловская, 4
Описание слайда:

Christmas Story Рождественская история Творческий проект Ангелина Тарловская, 4 а класс Мария Черкасова, 6 а класс Руководитель: Тарловская Елена Анатольевна

№ слайда 2 Christmas Story Once upon a time a white snowflake found itself on a desert plan
Описание слайда:

Christmas Story Once upon a time a white snowflake found itself on a desert planet. When it got warmer the snowflake melted and turned into water. Several years later it grew frosty and a lot of snowflakes fell down to the Earth. They covered the ground and the planet was now called Snowy Empire.

№ слайда 3 The snowflake’s name was Fluffy. She differed from other snowflakes greatly. All
Описание слайда:

The snowflake’s name was Fluffy. She differed from other snowflakes greatly. All the other snowflakes were grayish like a cloudy sky. Fluffy was plump, funny, and kind and she glittered in the sunshine so brightly! Fluffy and her fellow snowflakes were drifting in the cloudy sky but nothing happened….. . One year the winter was severe and it grew frostier and frostier. The ground was cold, and so were the trees and animals in the forests and people in big cities and small towns…But the snow wouldn’t fall! What could they do? They looked in the sky and asked themselves: “Where are all the snowflakes gone?”

№ слайда 4
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№ слайда 5 As it was Christmas time, Santa Clause was going to travel all over the earth to
Описание слайда:

As it was Christmas time, Santa Clause was going to travel all over the earth to give everyone presents. But he saw that there was no snow on the ground so his sleigh wouldn’t go! He went to Snowy Empire and asked the snowflakes: “Snowflakes, snowflakes, Float to the Earth, Fall to the ground And make the roads soft! Cover the forests, Cover the streets, Cover the gardens And Christmas trees!”  

№ слайда 6 Fluffy was always ready to help others, so she called her fellow snowflakes: “Jo
Описание слайда:

Fluffy was always ready to help others, so she called her fellow snowflakes: “Join me, little sisters, We’ll go to the ground, And cover the Earth For miles around!” And they merrily floated together to the ground, making everything white, bright and cheerful. And the people would raise their heads and say: “Oh, what a sight! Isn’t it wonderful that this year we are going to have white Christmas?” Everyone was happy - trees in the forests, children and their parents in big cities and small towns, and Santa Clause. Now he could go in his sleigh to people’s houses to give them presents. As for Fluffy and her fellow snowflakes, they were happy to decorate Christmas tree in Trafalgar square in London. Fluffy shone proudly at the top of the Christmas tree, making Christmas really merry and white!

№ слайда 7 Merry Christmas!!!
Описание слайда:

Merry Christmas!!!

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