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Презентация на тему: Humanitarian FacultyChair of Public RelationsTambov State Technical University

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Презентация на тему: Humanitarian FacultyChair of Public RelationsTambov State Technical University

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№ слайда 1 Humanitarian FacultyChair of Public RelationsTambov State Technical University
Описание слайда:

Humanitarian FacultyChair of Public RelationsTambov State Technical University

№ слайда 2 About us1996
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About us1996

№ слайда 3 The staffThe staff (14) includes: Academics – 14, Doctors of Science – 4, Candid
Описание слайда:

The staffThe staff (14) includes: Academics – 14, Doctors of Science – 4, Candidates of Science – 9, Undergraduate student – 1.

№ слайда 4 Specializations“Work organization of Public Relations office”
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Specializations“Work organization of Public Relations office”

№ слайда 5 Chair Creative Laboratories
Описание слайда:

Chair Creative Laboratories

№ слайда 6 Public Relation’s subdivision organizationSeveral creative studious are organize
Описание слайда:

Public Relation’s subdivision organizationSeveral creative studious are organized for the students specialized in “Public Relation’s subdivision organization”. They are situated at places of students’ practice such as administrative authorities, public institutions, at enterprises, commercial organizations. There are 26 creative studious. Here students under the supervision of managers and specialists of public relations so as staff of the chair obtain practical experience, develop creativeabilities, get empirical material for their diploma projects. In this laboratory the students’ work at studious is coordinated, analyzed, and summarized. Here together with staff PR students make PR-action plans and choose adequate methods of various communicative actions’ performance. The results of this work find their implementation at creative studious.

№ слайда 7 Advertising creative studio There is in-depth specialization dealt with problems
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Advertising creative studio There is in-depth specialization dealt with problems of design and realization integrated brand-communication campaign:acquisition of marketing information in specific branches of goods and services;positioning brand conception development;creative decision, creation and testing texts, scenarios, camera-ready copy of advertisements;creation and maintenance of media-matrix database of Tambov;media- plans for particular companies development.Various forms of business cooperation are established and actively maintained by laboratory with profile organizations and local advertising agencies, which are students’ practice bases.

№ слайда 8 Telecommunication and computer technologies laboratory This laboratory is used b
Описание слайда:

Telecommunication and computer technologies laboratory This laboratory is used by students when they learn computer technologies for PR processes, advertising, sociology, internet journalistic. On the base of this laboratory training on specialization “Telecommunication and computer technologies in the sphere of Public Relations” provides and, besides training internet-newspaper “Gvozd” is issued.Technical level is high and allows students not only to get necessary skills for work with up-date software programmes’ version but to be familiar with modern computer design technologies, WEB-programming, making-up of editions, date base processing and so on.

№ слайда 9 Press laboratory Newspaper «Gvozd’» - Internet-edition is issued by students abo
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Press laboratory Newspaper «Gvozd’» - Internet-edition is issued by students about life, problems and interests of youth, about happenings in the Tambov and in students life. Electronic newspaper is established and produced by students of the Public relations chair of TSTU. Newspaper is issued weekly on Friday and its address is http://gazeta.tstu.ruStudents of all courses and of all specializations (3) take part in editing of Internet-newspaper. Students of 1-3 courses prepare information materials and students of 4-5 courses write analytical articles.

№ слайда 10 Creative TV laboratory Practical laboratory extensions help students to get prof
Описание слайда:

Creative TV laboratory Practical laboratory extensions help students to get professional skills for creation of series subjects at university and city studious.Every year course projects in TV journalistic are made by students with the usage of laboratory equipment. Preparations get all the stages: scenery development, shooting, montage. Every course project corresponds to reportages and sketches which almost ready for edition over the ether.

№ слайда 11 Psychological service The work of Psychological service allows to advance profes
Описание слайда:

Psychological service The work of Psychological service allows to advance professional level of humanitarian, oriented specialists, to satisfy growing interest to psychology among the students of technical faculties.With the help of psychological service various problems of students are solved, among them:First year students adaptation to university conditions,Communicative problems,Psychological stress during examinations and others.Psychological service fulfils the following types of work:steady studio “Kreativ” performing special courses for the students of all specialities on optimization and interpersonal and business communication development, on identity growth facilitation, and creative potential with the usage of socio-psychological training aimed to develop communicativeness, diffidence negotiation, conflictness, adverse psychophysical conditions.Student-centered consultancy.

№ слайда 12 Creative laboratory of sociological researches Students of this speciality durin
Описание слайда:

Creative laboratory of sociological researches Students of this speciality during the second the third courses alongside with sociological study prepare a programme and conduct authorial sociological research. Research topics vary: deviant behavior in youth environment, youth value systems, ecological and legal behavior, educational interests and much more.Students conduct various sociological researches on challenges of various public, political, commercial organizations and institutions of city and region. Elaborated methodologies are used as basic at given organizations and present the basis of monitoring researches (UKOS, savings-bank of the Russian Federation, and etc.)

№ слайда 13 Students participate in variouscompetitions (local, all-Russia, international)an
Описание слайда:

Students participate in variouscompetitions (local, all-Russia, international)and are awarded 49 Diploma and Cups.

№ слайда 14 Students’awards 1999
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Students’awards 1999

№ слайда 15 Students’awards The team of students was awarded Cup on the International Festiv
Описание слайда:

Students’awards The team of students was awarded Cup on the International Festival during a visit to Chine

№ слайда 16 Students’awards In 2003 Varvara Luzhajskaya got thank-you letter from the Depart
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Students’awards In 2003 Varvara Luzhajskaya got thank-you letter from the Department of social work, Indiana State University for videoscene about orphanage on September 19, 2003

№ слайда 17 Rewards The chair was awarded the Diploma «The best chair in the field of advert
Описание слайда:

Rewards The chair was awarded the Diploma «The best chair in the field of advertising, public relations and allied sciences training» on all-Russia competition twice. Russian Association of Advertising Agents in Moscow held it.

№ слайда 18 Chair’s projects Internet-newspaper «Gvozd’» – weekly Internet-newspaper that is
Описание слайда:

Chair’s projects Internet-newspaper «Gvozd’» – weekly Internet-newspaper that is issued by students of the chair. It has been issued since 1998. http://gazeta.tstu.ruMultimedia variant of Internet-newspaper «Gvozd’» is also represented.

№ слайда 19 Chair’s projectsThe chair provides additional training on the following directio
Описание слайда:

Chair’s projectsThe chair provides additional training on the following directions:«Public Relations»Re-training courses for Diploma’s specialists and students. Full course - 1 year. Diploma about vocational re-training is issued.«Organization of marketing and advertising activity»- This course is for licentiates.- Full course is 2-3 month. - Certificate of qualification elevation is issued.- Full course is 6 months. Diploma about vocational re-training is issued.«Selling assistant»For persons with higher education and for paraprofessionals. Fee-paying, combined (full - part – time) trainingAll diploma and certificates are of the State pattern.

№ слайда 20 ContactsAddress: Public Relations Chair, TSTU Michurinskaya str. 112-A, room 323
Описание слайда:

ContactsAddress: Public Relations Chair, TSTU Michurinskaya str. 112-A, room 323, Tambov, 392000 Phone: +7 0752 531278E-mail: [email protected]: http://pr.tstu.ru

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