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Презентация на тему: Why do people like travelling ?

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Презентация на тему: Why do people like travelling ?

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№ слайда 1 Why do people like travelling ? Made by: Faizullin FailTeacher: Boyko Olga Nikol
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Why do people like travelling ? Made by: Faizullin FailTeacher: Boyko Olga NikolaevnaLevel: Pre-intermediate

№ слайда 2 The aim of my work is: to learn what people think about travellingto lean more a
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The aim of my work is: to learn what people think about travellingto lean more about tourismto tell about my visit to Italy

№ слайда 3 The plan IntroductionWhat transport do people use for travellingDo people like t
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The plan IntroductionWhat transport do people use for travellingDo people like travelling?Conclusion Literature

№ слайда 4 Introduction Everyone needs to have a rest. They can go swimming, go out, ride a
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Introduction Everyone needs to have a rest. They can go swimming, go out, ride a bike or a bicycle but the most popular rest for Russian people is traveling. Everybody can choose whatever country they want to visit. It is useful to spend your holidays somewhere because you learn new information about this place.

№ слайда 5 You can travel by plane by train by ship By car
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You can travel by plane by train by ship By car

№ слайда 6 Do people like traveling?
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Do people like traveling?

№ слайда 7 Results of the survey -- many interesting places-- useful-- meet new friends-- l
Описание слайда:

Results of the survey -- many interesting places-- useful-- meet new friends-- lakes, rivers -- expensive-- little age-- inclement weather

№ слайда 8 Results! So, most people like traveling. It is very interesting to travel, to le
Описание слайда:

Results! So, most people like traveling. It is very interesting to travel, to learn another language and have a rest.

№ слайда 9 Italy National Emblem The emblem comprises a white five-pointed star, with a fin
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Italy National Emblem The emblem comprises a white five-pointed star, with a fine red border, superimposed upon a five-spoked cogwheel, standing between an olive branch to the dexter side and an oak branch to the sinister side; the green branches are in turn bound together by a red ribbon bearing the inscription REPVBBLICA ITALIANA in white capital letters. The flag of Italy A religious interpretation is that the green represents hope, the white represents faith and the red represents charity.

№ слайда 10
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№ слайда 11 Conclusion All people must have a rest in holidays. They mustn’t only work and w
Описание слайда:

Conclusion All people must have a rest in holidays. They mustn’t only work and work every day. If you have a rest you don’t only relax, but lean many new things for yourself. And you can meet new friends, listen to music and feel good.

№ слайда 12 Thank you for your attention
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Thank you for your attention

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