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Презентация на тему: USA Cities Virtual Tour

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Презентация на тему: USA Cities Virtual Tour

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№ слайда 1 USA Cities Virtual Tour
Описание слайда:

USA Cities Virtual Tour

№ слайда 2 Objectives What do you expect to learn at the lesson?To improve reading and spea
Описание слайда:

Objectives What do you expect to learn at the lesson?To improve reading and speaking skills.To train vocabulary on the topic “City”.To enlarge cultural knowledge about the USA.To use computer skills for learning purposes.

№ слайда 3 Lesson Plan Fresh up! Remember what you are already know about some US cities.Vo
Описание слайда:

Lesson Plan Fresh up! Remember what you are already know about some US cities.Vocabulary. What useful words and expressions you remember about the topic “City”?Reading. Making presentations in groups of 3.Speaking. Groups tell the class about a city.Discussion. Which of the cities would you like to visit and why?

№ слайда 4 Match the cities and the pictures Phoenix, ArizonaOrlando, FloridaNew Orleans, L
Описание слайда:

Match the cities and the pictures Phoenix, ArizonaOrlando, FloridaNew Orleans, Louisiana Chicago, Illinois

№ слайда 5 Useful Words and Expressions Use the vocabulary on the hand-outs, please.
Описание слайда:

Useful Words and Expressions Use the vocabulary on the hand-outs, please.

№ слайда 6 Presentation Plan General Information Description, population, general character
Описание слайда:

Presentation Plan General Information Description, population, general characteristics.Location Where the city is located, what cities are nearby.History When the city was founded, under which circumstances.Attractions What places of interest you can enjoy there.

№ слайда 7 The name of the slide Slide textSlide text pictures pictures Model Slide
Описание слайда:

The name of the slide Slide textSlide text pictures pictures Model Slide

№ слайда 8 Las Vegas, History ExampleThe city was created by a reputed gangster Bugsy Siega
Описание слайда:

Las Vegas, History ExampleThe city was created by a reputed gangster Bugsy Siegal . In December of 1946 he built the original Flamingo resort in the barren desert wastelands of Nevada. He dreamed of creating a whole new resort city in the desert.

№ слайда 9 How to find the cities on the Internet? http://www.usatourist.comPhoenix, Arizon
Описание слайда:

How to find the cities on the Internet? http://www.usatourist.comPhoenix, Arizonahttp://www.usatourist.com/english/places/arizona/phoenix.htmlOrlando, Floridahttp://www.usatourist.com/english/places/florida/orlando.htmlNew Orleans, Louisiana http://www.usatourist.com/english/places/louisiana/neworleans.htmlhttp://www.usatourist.com/english/places/louisiana/attractions.htmlChicago, Illinoishttp://www.usatourist.com/english/places/illinois/chicago.html

№ слайда 10 Conditions Contents – according to the plan.Design – according to the example or
Описание слайда:

Conditions Contents – according to the plan.Design – according to the example or better.1 student works in Internet and makes the presentation in Powerpoint, the others make notes and prepare for the oral presentation. The members of each group get the same mark.Time limit – 30 minutes.You can use the computer dictionary on your PCs.

№ слайда 11 Listen to presentations! While listening, make notes to decide what city you wou
Описание слайда:

Listen to presentations! While listening, make notes to decide what city you would like to visit and why. Name at least 3 reasons.

№ слайда 12 Discussion Express your opinion on the question – what city would you like to vi
Описание слайда:

Discussion Express your opinion on the question – what city would you like to visit and why? Name at least 3 reasons.

№ слайда 13 Lesson Results What new things have you found out at the lesson?What did you lea
Описание слайда:

Lesson Results What new things have you found out at the lesson?What did you learn to do? Would you like to know more on the topic of the lesson?

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