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Презентация на тему: The biggest cities of Great Britain

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Презентация на тему: The biggest cities of Great Britain

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№ слайда 1 The biggest cities of Great Britain Andres Veidenberg, Argo MikkC.R.Jakobson Gym
Описание слайда:

The biggest cities of Great Britain Andres Veidenberg, Argo MikkC.R.Jakobson Gymn.11cSupervisors: Tiia Pukk, Marje MaasenViljandi2002

№ слайда 2 Introduction We are going to talk about the biggest cities of Great BritainThere
Описание слайда:

Introduction We are going to talk about the biggest cities of Great BritainThere are 10 biggest cities in Great BritainAll this cities have important part of Britain economy and culture

№ слайда 3 The biggest cities
Описание слайда:

The biggest cities

№ слайда 4 Population of the cities
Описание слайда:

Population of the cities

№ слайда 5 London The capital of EnglandIs situated in south-eastern England along the Tham
Описание слайда:

London The capital of EnglandIs situated in south-eastern England along the Thames River Founded by Romans in A.D. 43One of the three main financial centres in the world ParliamentThe river Thames runs thorough the city

№ слайда 6 Transport in London Double-deckersBlack taxisUndergroundPlanes
Описание слайда:

Transport in London Double-deckersBlack taxisUndergroundPlanes

№ слайда 7 London underground Founded in 1870One of the biggest in the world
Описание слайда:

London underground Founded in 1870One of the biggest in the world

№ слайда 8 London sights Westminster Abbey Windsor Castle Tower Bridge
Описание слайда:

London sights Westminster Abbey Windsor Castle Tower Bridge

№ слайда 9 Arms of London
Описание слайда:

Arms of London

№ слайда 10 Edinburgh Capital of ScotlandFamous Edinburghers: Bell, Stevenson, Scott, Conner
Описание слайда:

Edinburgh Capital of ScotlandFamous Edinburghers: Bell, Stevenson, Scott, Connery.Coastal city

№ слайда 11 Bristol The largest city in the South WestIt has a great harbourHome of Rolls Ro
Описание слайда:

Bristol The largest city in the South WestIt has a great harbourHome of Rolls Royce The Concorde factory

№ слайда 12 Leeds 75 nationalities731 Bede’s “History of English Church and People” Centre o
Описание слайда:

Leeds 75 nationalities731 Bede’s “History of English Church and People” Centre of wool & sewing factory

№ слайда 13 Glasgow CompaqScotland’s largest cityFishingHarbour city
Описание слайда:

Glasgow CompaqScotland’s largest cityFishingHarbour city

№ слайда 14 Aberdeen Oil Capital of Europe + 40.000 jobs The world's first holographic 3D ca
Описание слайда:

Aberdeen Oil Capital of Europe + 40.000 jobs The world's first holographic 3D camera It’s a coastal city

№ слайда 15 Manchester 10% of workersSignificant financial sectorThe highest weekly earnings
Описание слайда:

Manchester 10% of workersSignificant financial sectorThe highest weekly earnings-£420.40Manchester United

№ слайда 16 Birmingham Second largest cityAston HallThe first steam engine was invented Warw
Описание слайда:

Birmingham Second largest cityAston HallThe first steam engine was invented Warwick Castle

№ слайда 17 Shakespeare Stratford Upon Avon W. Shakespeare (
Описание слайда:

Shakespeare Stratford Upon Avon W. Shakespeare (

№ слайда 18 Liverpool Capital of cultureThe BeatlesSunday talentsFestival city
Описание слайда:

Liverpool Capital of cultureThe BeatlesSunday talentsFestival city

№ слайда 19 Newcastle Many earthquakesHarbourCoal mining
Описание слайда:

Newcastle Many earthquakesHarbourCoal mining

№ слайда 20 Summary There are 10 biggest cities in GB. Only London & Birmingham have more th
Описание слайда:

Summary There are 10 biggest cities in GB. Only London & Birmingham have more than 1,000,000 citizensMany interesting sights

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