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Презентация на тему: Sydney

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Презентация на тему: Sydney

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№ слайда 1 Sydney
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№ слайда 2 Sydney the state capital has a spectacular harbour, a rich colonial history, and
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Sydney the state capital has a spectacular harbour, a rich colonial history, and a growing international reputation. Sydney is the most recognised city in Australia

№ слайда 3 Sydney is the capital city of the state of New South Wales, and is Australia's o
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Sydney is the capital city of the state of New South Wales, and is Australia's oldest and largest city. Founded in 1788 it has a population of almost four million and boasts one of the largest and most beautiful harbours in the world.

№ слайда 4 Two easily recognizable landmarks which often depict Australia rather than just
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Two easily recognizable landmarks which often depict Australia rather than just Sydney are the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.

№ слайда 5 Sydney Opera HouseSydney Opera House is an extraordinary structure and one of th
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Sydney Opera HouseSydney Opera House is an extraordinary structure and one of the world's premier performing-arts facilities. Its organic shape and lack of surface decoration give the Opera House a timeless beauty. It is recognised globally as a modern wonder. Opened in 1973, it has taken its place among the world's most architecturally significant buildings. It was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon and took almost 15 years to build. Twice a week, a special behind-the-scenes tour explores the interior of the Sydney Opera House, including rehearsal rooms, lighting booths, the scenery dock and more. There are also daily front-of-house tours and dinner and performance packages covering the Australian Ballet, Opera Australia, Sydney Dance Company, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Sydney Theatre Company.

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7 Sydney Harbour Bridge Sydney Harbour Bridge is an international Aussie icon. Ope
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Sydney Harbour Bridge Sydney Harbour Bridge is an international Aussie icon. Opened in 1932 and affectionately known as the 'Coathanger', the single arch construction was built from both ends to join in the middle. It is 1,149 metres long, weighs 52,800 tonnes, has 6 million rivets and needed 272,000 litres of paint for its initial coat. To test the bridge's strength before it opened, 96 railway engines were driven onto it, the equivalent to 5,900 cars. It takes 10 years and 30,000 litres to apply one coat of paint, and this work goes on continuously. Today visitors to Sydney have the chance to climb the Bridge on safe, supervised guided tours to marvel at this engineering wonder and its stunning views over Sydney Harbour.

№ слайда 8 To see the best of Sydney harbour you should try a ferry trip from Circular Quay
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To see the best of Sydney harbour you should try a ferry trip from Circular Quay. The Manly Ferry is one of the best trips on offer, as it shows off some of the best views of the city, including the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The Ferry 2.Circular Quay

№ слайда 9 To the west of the city centre is a refurbished area called Darling Harbour whic
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To the west of the city centre is a refurbished area called Darling Harbour which is the location for many hotels. The area offers many great restaurants, unique shops and Entertainment Centres. Darling Harbour

№ слайда 10 You can get to Darling Harbour on the Monorail which does a curcuit through the
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You can get to Darling Harbour on the Monorail which does a curcuit through the city centre. For the best view of Sydney you could go up the top of the Sydney Tower. From up here you can see the whole city with 360 degree views. Monorail North Sydney

№ слайда 11 Sydney is to Australia what London is to England and Paris is to France. In rece
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Sydney is to Australia what London is to England and Paris is to France. In recent years, the city has received the Condast award for the World's Best Tourist City. It has also won Business Traveler magazine's award for Best Destination.

№ слайда 12 Sydney is a huge city area wise but the city has spread out as far as it can go
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Sydney is a huge city area wise but the city has spread out as far as it can go as it now borders 3 National Parks:the Royal National Park to the south , Kurangai Chase National Park in the north and the Blue Mountains National Park in the west. 1.North Sydney 2.North Sydney3.Sydney Malls

№ слайда 13 The Blue Mountains is a popular place for Sydneysiders.The Blue Mountains can re
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The Blue Mountains is a popular place for Sydneysiders.The Blue Mountains can receive snow during the winter months. The area is heavily forested with steep cliff walls and some spectacular waterfalls. Colourful parrots, and other birds are abundant, and quite often they come really close to people when they are looking for food.

№ слайда 14 Glimpses of Sydney
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Glimpses of Sydney

№ слайда 15
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