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Презентация на тему: Welcome to the Tourist Center “Mukhinka”

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Презентация на тему: Welcome to the Tourist Center “Mukhinka”

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№ слайда 1 Welcome to the Tourist Center “Mukhinka” Done by Samorukov Kirill, Form 9AInstru
Описание слайда:

Welcome to the Tourist Center “Mukhinka” Done by Samorukov Kirill, Form 9AInstructed by Spitzyna N.G.E.I. Chigirinskaya M.S.G.S., 2011

№ слайда 2 Topic: Welcome to “Mukhinka”! Hypothesis: Can we have a nice rest not far from t
Описание слайда:

Topic: Welcome to “Mukhinka”! Hypothesis: Can we have a nice rest not far from the house? Aim: To pay attention to opportunities for the rest in Amur Region. Tasks: 1.To learn the opportunities of a full value rest in our region. 2. Investigate the opinions about the rest at the tourist center “Mukhinka”. 3. To make an advertisement of the rest at the tourist center “Mukhinka”.

№ слайда 3 I would recommend you to have a nice rest at the tourist center “Mukhinka”. It’s
Описание слайда:

I would recommend you to have a nice rest at the tourist center “Mukhinka”. It’s situated in the picturesque countryside of Blagoveshchensk.

№ слайда 4 Forests of poplars, oaks and pines, hills of rhododendron, fields of irises and
Описание слайда:

Forests of poplars, oaks and pines, hills of rhododendron, fields of irises and other wildflowers are spread everywhere along the road.

№ слайда 5 In summer “Mukhinka” offers walks in the fresh air, swimming in the clean lake,
Описание слайда:

In summer “Mukhinka” offers walks in the fresh air, swimming in the clean lake, catamarans and other water attractions.

№ слайда 6 In winter you may spend nice time going in for hills climbing, mountain skiing,
Описание слайда:

In winter you may spend nice time going in for hills climbing, mountain skiing, skating, ski routes walking. Frosty winter air is so good for your health!

№ слайда 7 The center has become a popular tourist attraction in New Year and Christmas hol
Описание слайда:

The center has become a popular tourist attraction in New Year and Christmas holidays and other celebrations.

№ слайда 8 It has become a tradition for the citizens of Blagoveshchensk and Amur Region to
Описание слайда:

It has become a tradition for the citizens of Blagoveshchensk and Amur Region to celebrate the New Year holiday and other celebrations away from the city rush at the tourist center “Mukhinka”.

№ слайда 9 If you want to relax, why not to come to the tourist center “Mukhinka” in Amur R
Описание слайда:

If you want to relax, why not to come to the tourist center “Mukhinka” in Amur Region? It welcomes guests all the year round! Too nice for words!

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