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Презентация на тему: Translate the phrases

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Презентация на тему: Translate the phrases

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№ слайда 1 TRANSLATE THE PHRASES Завтра в семь Весь день Послезавтра Через год К августу В
Описание слайда:

TRANSLATE THE PHRASES Завтра в семь Весь день Послезавтра Через год К августу В то время К полудню в течение часа В субботу целый вечер Tomorrow at 7 All day long The day after tomorrow In a year By August At that time By noon for an hour On Saturday the whole evening

№ слайда 2 FILL IN THE NECESSARY FORMOne of these days we _______ to the zoo. / to go/ Don’
Описание слайда:

FILL IN THE NECESSARY FORMOne of these days we _______ to the zoo. / to go/ Don’t ring Ted up at midnight. He____________at that time. /to sleep/By tonight they ___________________ the car forseven hours. /to repair/Father and I ________________the washing bynoon, I think. / to complete/These baby trees ____________ by children. /to plant/

№ слайда 3 DEFINE THE PREDICATE AND ASK ONE QUESTION My aunt will have been travelling for
Описание слайда:

DEFINE THE PREDICATE AND ASK ONE QUESTION My aunt will have been travelling for a fortnight by the middle of July.These flowers will be given to our chief tomorrow.The administrator will be checking their work till the next month.The festivity will be held outside.We’ll have made a decision by next Friday.I shall get the award at the final ceremony.

№ слайда 4 Fill in the appropriate form of the verbMy sister ____ a vet in the future. / to
Описание слайда:

Fill in the appropriate form of the verbMy sister ____ a vet in the future. / to be /2.Don’t ring us up at 7. We ___ outside at that time. / to work /3.I’m sure the guests ____ by 4 o’clock. / to arrive /4. Perhaps the gifts ___ for all members of the family. /to buy /All the boys will join the army in a year.Negation When Gen? – Yes Tag?

Описание слайда:

OTHER WAYS TO SPEAK ABOUT FUTURE ACTIONSTO COME TO GO TO LEAVEI leave for Moscow tomorrow.THERE’S A PLAN We are going to the theatre tonight.TO BE GOING TO - CONSEQUENCE It’s windy, the weather is going to change.SCHEDULEThe train arrives at 6.30.TO BE LIKELY TOShe is likely to get the first prize.

№ слайда 6 Translate the sentencesThe party is unlikely to be held next week.The Smith’s mo
Описание слайда:

Translate the sentencesThe party is unlikely to be held next week.The Smith’s move to a new house tomorrowThe 6 o’clock train arrives on platform 4.Look! It’s clearing up. The day is going to be sunny and hot.My parents are going to go shopping on Saturday morning.Jess is lucky. She is sure to pass the exam well.

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