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Презентация на тему: Teen Fashion in the UK

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Презентация на тему: Teen Fashion in the UK

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№ слайда 1 Teen Fashionin the UK
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Teen Fashionin the UK

№ слайда 2 Fashion. General Information.Depending on their attitude towards clothes and fas
Описание слайда:

Fashion. General Information.Depending on their attitude towards clothes and fashion, people can be divided in three groups:1) fashion slaves2) fashion fans3) people who just don’t care how they look

№ слайда 3 What Is Fashion?Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing
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What Is Fashion?Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people. Who Dictates Fashion? Movies VideosMusicians and other cultural icons Political figures and royalty. Folks

№ слайда 4 AccessoriesBangles in bright coloursBold tights and colorful leg warmersGlittery
Описание слайда:

AccessoriesBangles in bright coloursBold tights and colorful leg warmersGlittery necklaces, plastic rings and jeweled brooches

№ слайда 5 Shops for Teenagers
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Shops for Teenagers

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7 Summer Dresses for Teens.The Shirt DressThe Puff DressThe Shift DressThe Straple
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Summer Dresses for Teens.The Shirt DressThe Puff DressThe Shift DressThe Strapless Summer DressThe Tube Dress

№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 11
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№ слайда 12 There are many reasons we wear what we wear:Protection from cold, rain and snow
Описание слайда:

There are many reasons we wear what we wear:Protection from cold, rain and snow Physical attraction Emotions Religious expression Identification and tradition:

№ слайда 13 What is your attitude towards fashion?A) I don’t care about itB) I prefer wearin
Описание слайда:

What is your attitude towards fashion?A) I don’t care about itB) I prefer wearing clothes which are fashionableC) I can wear cheap clothes and match them with expensive ones.

№ слайда 14 Punks.The Suitable town cloth:t-shirt (often black colour), jacket (usually ‘kos
Описание слайда:

Punks.The Suitable town cloth:t-shirt (often black colour), jacket (usually ‘kosuha’’), jeans , sneakers , heavy shoes. The Cloth is often torn.

№ слайда 15 Goths.They prefer wearing high boots black or vinyl trousers, vinyl raincoats, a
Описание слайда:

Goths.They prefer wearing high boots black or vinyl trousers, vinyl raincoats, as in film Matrix; Girls can wear mini-skirts. striped socks

№ слайда 16 Emo The most typical clothNarrow, covering t-shirt.The Narrow jeans black or ash
Описание слайда:

Emo The most typical clothNarrow, covering t-shirt.The Narrow jeans black or ashen-blue colour.Black or rose belt with rivetThe Sneakers with bright or black lace, laced by special way.

№ слайда 17 S. Maugham said:“The well dressed man is he whose clothes you never notice”
Описание слайда:

S. Maugham said:“The well dressed man is he whose clothes you never notice”

№ слайда 18 Thank you for your attention.
Описание слайда:

Thank you for your attention.

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