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Презентация на тему: The rolling roll

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Презентация на тему: The rolling roll

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№ слайда 1 The rolling roll
Описание слайда:

The rolling roll

№ слайда 2 There lived an old man and his wife. The old man said one day: - Why don’t you b
Описание слайда:

There lived an old man and his wife. The old man said one day: - Why don’t you bake me a roll, my dear? What shall I make it from? There’s no flour!- Oh, old woman! Sweep up the pantry and scrape up the flour tin – you’ll find enough!

№ слайда 3 So the old woman did just that: She swept and scraped up two handfuls of flour.
Описание слайда:

So the old woman did just that: She swept and scraped up two handfuls of flour.

№ слайда 4 She mixed the pastry with sour cream and rolled out a roll, fried it in butter…
Описание слайда:

She mixed the pastry with sour cream and rolled out a roll, fried it in butter…

№ слайда 5 …and put it on the window sill to cool down.
Описание слайда:

…and put it on the window sill to cool down.

№ слайда 6 The roll got fed up of sitting on the sill…
Описание слайда:

The roll got fed up of sitting on the sill…

№ слайда 7 and rolled from the window to a bench,
Описание слайда:

and rolled from the window to a bench,

№ слайда 8 …from the bench onto the floor.
Описание слайда:

…from the bench onto the floor.

№ слайда 9 Then he rolled to the door,
Описание слайда:

Then he rolled to the door,

№ слайда 10 jumped over the threshold into the entrance hall…
Описание слайда:

jumped over the threshold into the entrance hall…

№ слайда 11 from the entrance hall to the porch,…
Описание слайда:

from the entrance hall to the porch,…

№ слайда 12 from the porch into the courtyard,…
Описание слайда:

from the porch into the courtyard,…

№ слайда 13 from the courtyard through the gate,…
Описание слайда:

from the courtyard through the gate,…

№ слайда 14 further and further…
Описание слайда:

further and further…

№ слайда 15 As he was rolling down the path a hare approached it and said: “Rolling roll, ro
Описание слайда:

As he was rolling down the path a hare approached it and said: “Rolling roll, rolling roll, I’ll eat you!”“No, don’t eat me, dear hare, better listen to my song:

№ слайда 16 I’m a rolling, rolling roll!Swept up from the pantry,Scraped from the flour tin,
Описание слайда:

I’m a rolling, rolling roll!Swept up from the pantry,Scraped from the flour tin, Mixed in with some cream, And baked in the ovenI was placed on the sill.But I ran away from the old man,And I ran away from the old woman,And I’ll run away from you, hare!

№ слайда 17 And the roll rolled away before the hare even saw it move!
Описание слайда:

And the roll rolled away before the hare even saw it move!

№ слайда 18 It rolled on and met a grey wolf: Rolling roll, rolling roll! I will eat you up!
Описание слайда:

It rolled on and met a grey wolf: Rolling roll, rolling roll! I will eat you up! Don’t eat me, grey wolf: I’ll sing you a song.

№ слайда 19 And the roll sang: “I’m a rolling, rolling roll, swept up from the pantry, scrap
Описание слайда:

And the roll sang: “I’m a rolling, rolling roll, swept up from the pantry, scraped from the flour tin, mixed in with some cream, and baked in the oven, I was placed on the sill. But I ran away from the old man, and I ran away from the old woman, and I ran from the hare. And I’ll run away from you, wolf!

№ слайда 20 And the roll rolled further…
Описание слайда:

And the roll rolled further…

№ слайда 21 …until it met a bear: Rolling roll, rolling roll, I’ll eat you!Hey, clumsy, why
Описание слайда:

…until it met a bear: Rolling roll, rolling roll, I’ll eat you!Hey, clumsy, why eat me? Better listen to my song:

№ слайда 22 I’m a rolling, rolling roll, swept up from the pantry, scraped from the flour ti
Описание слайда:

I’m a rolling, rolling roll, swept up from the pantry, scraped from the flour tin, mixed in with some cream, and baked in the oven I was placed on the sill. But I ran away from the old man, and I ran away from the old woman, I ran from the hare, I ran from the wolf, from you, bear, I shall also run!

№ слайда 23 And the roll rolled further…
Описание слайда:

And the roll rolled further…

№ слайда 24 …until it met a fox: Hello, rolling roll! How fine and glowing you look!The roll
Описание слайда:

…until it met a fox: Hello, rolling roll! How fine and glowing you look!The roll was happy to receive such praise and he sang his song:

№ слайда 25 I’m a rolling, rolling roll, swept up from the pantry, scraped from the flour ti
Описание слайда:

I’m a rolling, rolling roll, swept up from the pantry, scraped from the flour tin, mixed in with some cream , and baked in the oven I was placed on the sill. But I ran away from the old man, and I ran away from his wife, I ran from the hare, I ran from the wolf, I ran from the bear. From you, fox, I shall also run!

№ слайда 26 - What a sweet song! – said the fox. – What a shame that this old fox is hard of
Описание слайда:

- What a sweet song! – said the fox. – What a shame that this old fox is hard of hearing. Why don’t you sit up on my nose and sing that song once more!

№ слайда 27 The rolling roll was pleased that his song had been appreciated, he jumped onto
Описание слайда:

The rolling roll was pleased that his song had been appreciated, he jumped onto the fox’s nose and sang his song again.

№ слайда 28 But the fox said:Rolling roll, rolling roll, will you sit up on my tongue and si
Описание слайда:

But the fox said:Rolling roll, rolling roll, will you sit up on my tongue and sing that wonderful song again? The rolling roll jumped onto the fox’s tongue…

№ слайда 29 …and the fox gobbled it up!
Описание слайда:

…and the fox gobbled it up!

№ слайда 30 THEEND
Описание слайда:


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