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Презентация на тему: The Prom, Buffalo Wings and the Amish people

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Презентация на тему: The Prom, Buffalo Wings and the Amish people

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№ слайда 1 The Prom, Buffalo Wings and the Amish people Автор: преподаватель английского яз
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The Prom, Buffalo Wings and the Amish people Автор: преподаватель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 17 Серебрякова-Елисафенко А.В.г.Иркутск2012

№ слайда 2 You’ve studied English for several years. You’ve seen many American movies too.
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You’ve studied English for several years. You’ve seen many American movies too. I guess you know a lot about American culture, right?

№ слайда 3
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№ слайда 4 High School Prom One of the highlights of high school life is the Prom. The Prom
Описание слайда:

High School Prom One of the highlights of high school life is the Prom. The Prom, which usually occurs at the end of the school year in June, is a large party that celebrates the end of the high school years. The Prom is usually held at a hotel or some other large place and includes dancing and lots of food

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№ слайда 6 Almost always, a boy will ask a girl to be his ‘date’ for the Prom. The Prom stu
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Almost always, a boy will ask a girl to be his ‘date’ for the Prom. The Prom students usually dress up in very expensive and beautiful clothes, which they rent only for that evening

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№ слайда 10 Buffalo Wings You may think that Pizza is the most popular food in America. That
Описание слайда:

Buffalo Wings You may think that Pizza is the most popular food in America. That may be true but Buffalo Wings are becoming more and more popular . Buffalos have wings?

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№ слайда 12 No. Buffalo, which is in New York, is the city that made them famous .Actually,
Описание слайда:

No. Buffalo, which is in New York, is the city that made them famous .Actually, buffalo wings are chicken wings and drumsticks, which are fried in oil. After frying, they are covered in a sauce, which consists of red hot pepper sauce and butter.

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№ слайда 14 The best place to buy buffalo wings is in a bar, where you can also drink cold b
Описание слайда:

The best place to buy buffalo wings is in a bar, where you can also drink cold beer to cool off your mouth after eating the hot, spicy sauce.

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№ слайда 16 Amish communities Your image of the United States in probably a place, that is v
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Amish communities Your image of the United States in probably a place, that is very advanced in every aspect of modern life. there exists a place, where people choose to live as they did hundreds of years ago. They are called Amish communities.

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№ слайда 18 Most Amish live in Pennsylvania. They are very religious people, who live very s
Описание слайда:

Most Amish live in Pennsylvania. They are very religious people, who live very simple lives: no telephone, no TV, no electricity, no cars.

№ слайда 19 The Amish travel in carts pulled by horses
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The Amish travel in carts pulled by horses

№ слайда 20 They live a simple life, which revolves around farming, family and the church.
Описание слайда:

They live a simple life, which revolves around farming, family and the church.

№ слайда 21 Have you heard of the Prom, Buffalo Wings and the Amish people? I hope this brie
Описание слайда:

Have you heard of the Prom, Buffalo Wings and the Amish people? I hope this brief introduction to these lesser-known aspects of American culture has stimulated your curiosity and helped you learn more about the unique United States’s culture.

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