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Презентация на тему: The Problem of Height

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Презентация на тему: The Problem of Height

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№ слайда 1 The Problem of Height
Описание слайда:

The Problem of Height

№ слайда 2 The aim of my work is to answer the following questions: Why do people become ve
Описание слайда:

The aim of my work is to answer the following questions: Why do people become very tall or very short?Who were the tallest and the shortest people in the world?Are there giants and dwarfs in our town and school?

№ слайда 3 `Gulliver's Travels` Jonathan Swift Gulliver's
Описание слайда:

`Gulliver's Travels` Jonathan Swift Gulliver's

№ слайда 4 The shortest people Tatyana Plokhikh Miron Pavlic
Описание слайда:

The shortest people Tatyana Plokhikh Miron Pavlic

№ слайда 5 American presidents
Описание слайда:

American presidents

№ слайда 6 While studying the problem of height I have come to the following conclusion Stu
Описание слайда:

While studying the problem of height I have come to the following conclusion Studies show that people are very conscious of height.A child who is growing slowly may have some medical problems.If someone has the problem with height it is good to do physical exercises.

№ слайда 7 Short and tall people are described by the writers of different countries
Описание слайда:

Short and tall people are described by the writers of different countries

№ слайда 8 Personalities in the history of mankind
Описание слайда:

Personalities in the history of mankind

№ слайда 9 Lilliputians in the circus
Описание слайда:

Lilliputians in the circus

№ слайда 10 It is more important to be kind, honest andwell-mannered and these qualities don
Описание слайда:

It is more important to be kind, honest andwell-mannered and these qualities don’t depend on one's height

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