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Презентация на тему: The Almanac “Nature’s seven greatest wonders”

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Презентация на тему: The Almanac “Nature’s seven greatest wonders”

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№ слайда 1 THE ALMANAC“Nature’s seven greatest wonders” Работу выполнилаКоролева Аленаучени
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THE ALMANAC“Nature’s seven greatest wonders” Работу выполнилаКоролева Аленаученица 6 «в» классаМАОУ «Сузунская СОШ № 2»Новосибирской областиРуководитель: Шмальц Н. В.,учитель иностранных языков

№ слайда 2 The expression ‘one of the seven wonders of the world’ is sometimes used to desc
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The expression ‘one of the seven wonders of the world’ is sometimes used to describe something wonderful or great. Sometimes the phrase «the eighth wonder» is used in the same meaning but it is usually used ironically. What are the seven wonders? In the ancient world the following things were considered to be the seven Wonders of the World:

№ слайда 3 The Pyramids of Egypt
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The Pyramids of Egypt

№ слайда 4 The Temple of Diana at Ephesus
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The Temple of Diana at Ephesus

№ слайда 5 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

№ слайда 6 The ivory and gold Statue of Jupiter Olympus
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The ivory and gold Statue of Jupiter Olympus

№ слайда 7 the Colossus of Rhodes
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the Colossus of Rhodes

№ слайда 8 The Tomb of Mausoleus King of Caria
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The Tomb of Mausoleus King of Caria

№ слайда 9 The Pharos of Alexandria
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The Pharos of Alexandria

№ слайда 10 Of all these «wonders» only one remains, the Pyramids of Egypt.
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Of all these «wonders» only one remains, the Pyramids of Egypt.

№ слайда 11 The ancient seven wonders of the world were all made by man. Can nature work won
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The ancient seven wonders of the world were all made by man. Can nature work wonders?The American traveler and scientist Lowell Thomas thinks that the wonders created by Nature are much more grandiose and more excting.Nature’s seven greatest wonders, he thinks, are the following:

№ слайда 12 1. The Grand Canyon. You will never see anything grander, he writes, than this c
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1. The Grand Canyon. You will never see anything grander, he writes, than this canyon in northern Arizona, USA. It is quite unusual in colour and architecture. Two hundred and eighty miles across, more than a mile deep, the Grand Canyon is a fantasy of stones and cliffs. Standing near it, you can watch a wonderful play of colours that no artist could describe. The rapid Colorado River, Nature’s main assistant in creating this work of sculpture, runs through the canyon. You feel when you look at the river that it is trying hard to carry out the instructions given by Nature.

№ слайда 13 2. Glacier Bay. In Alaska, where the mountains rise higher from the sea than at
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2. Glacier Bay. In Alaska, where the mountains rise higher from the sea than at any other place on earth. It’s a land of glaciers, big fjords and perpendicular ice walls shining in the sun. Here all varieties of arctic life are present. One can see, for example, whales sending up fountains of water, seals, white bears, deer, wolves and a great number of birds. The great glaciers grow slowly, become fantastically large and then slide majestically toward the sea leaving behind new soil were the cycle of growing begins all over again.

№ слайда 14 3. The Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. «Mammoth» is the right word for great Labyrinth
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3. The Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. «Mammoth» is the right word for great Labyrinth of underground corridors, full of colourful formations made by the centuries. Stalactites drop from the ceiling like New Year tree toys, stalagmites rise from the floor. The formations on the walls are like flowers, trees and animals. How old is the Mammoth Cave?Its development began about 240 million years ago, but people discovered it in 1800, when a hunter running after a wounded bear, suddenly came upon its entrance.

№ слайда 15 4. Victoria Falls. It is truly one of Nature’s most wonderful sights. It is situ
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4. Victoria Falls. It is truly one of Nature’s most wonderful sights. It is situated between Zambia and Rhodesia. Victoria is more than twice as high as Niagara and almost one and a half times as wide. At Niagara the river goes over a cliff and into a broad open area, at Victoria the long river Zambezi carries as much as 75 million gallons of water in a minute over one cliff and against another, into a gorge not more than 100 feet wide, known as the Boiling Pot. This creates massive clouds of spray, a fantasy of rainbows which can be seen from miles away. Africans call the falls Mosi-oa-tunya, ”The Smoke That Thunders”.

№ слайда 16 5. Baikal, Siberia’s Giant Lace. Imagine a fresh water lake larger than Belgium,
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5. Baikal, Siberia’s Giant Lace. Imagine a fresh water lake larger than Belgium, with High mountains Round it. It’s Baikal, 40 miles from Irkutsk in south-eastern Siberia. More than a mile deep in places, Baikal contains as much fresh water (one-fifth of our planet’s entire supply) as all of the North America Great Lakes taken together. About 1,800 species of flora and fauna live in it, two-thirds of which are not found anywhere else. There is, for example, the golomyanka, a fish so nearly transparent, that one can almost read a newspaper trough it. Unique to Baikal, too, are its 40,000 seals. How did seals get there, 1,000milles from salt water? Scientist think that they had remained in the lake from the time when Baikal was in some way connected with the Arctic Ocean.

№ слайда 17 6. Mountain Everest. Of all the earth’s mountains the Hymalayan mountains are th
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6. Mountain Everest. Of all the earth’s mountains the Hymalayan mountains are the highest mountains. The highest mountain among them is Everest that goes up in the sky nearly five and a half miles above sea level. It has always at tracted brave mountain climbers. Eight attempts were made, some with tragic results, before, in 1953 after months of prepaland, and his companion, Tenzing Norgay, from Nepal managed to reach its summit.

№ слайда 18 7.Yellowstone National Park. The largest park in the USA. It covers an area of 3
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7.Yellowstone National Park. The largest park in the USA. It covers an area of 3,472 square miles. Yellowstone is a world in itself. It was born of volcanic fire and later moulded by glaciers. It has high mountains and cliffs, waterfalls, hot springs, steaming and bubbling, and the world’s greatest concentration of geysers ( no less than 10,000), throwing their water from time to time high into the air. The wild life of Yellowstone is very rich with bison, moose, elk and bears, and a great number of smaller animals and birds. Two and a half million people visit the park each year.

№ слайда 19 Is there anything in our life today that may be called one of the wonders of the
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Is there anything in our life today that may be called one of the wonders of the world? Answers to this question are different. Some say it’s the motor-car, others say it’s the space craft. There are people who call television one of the wonders. We think that the greatest wonder of the world is Man himself. What do you think about it?

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