" Svyato-Belopesotsky Nunnery " Работа ученика класса 10"А " МОУ лицея № 2 Миронова Михаила Учитель английского языка Николаева Раиса Владимирона
''Svyato-Belopesotsky Nunnery" That’s already 500 years there is a demure Svyato – Belopesotsky cloister, situated on the bank of the Oka river opposite Kashira town It was placed in the south border of Russia, it also was a fortress during invasion of the Crimean hordes, protecting a crossing through the riverIn the second half of 19 century the elegance of the monastery was set in order, through all important correctionsIn february of 1918 the monastery was officially closed
There was opened a glass factory, club, a pioneer camp
On the birhday of Svyto-Belopesotsky Nunnery - 29 November 1941 - the enemywas defeated under its walls
After the war, a part of buildings was destroyed, another part was as a warehouse
In autumn of 1998 Svyto-Belopesotsky Nunnery celebrated its 500 years old!
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