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Презентация на тему: Russian Matryoshka

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Презентация на тему: Russian Matryoshka

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№ слайда 1 Russian Matryoshka Made by: Alexandra AvramenkoTeacher : Tatyana Lepeshkina Lyce
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Russian Matryoshka Made by: Alexandra AvramenkoTeacher : Tatyana Lepeshkina Lyceum “Dubna”, 2009

№ слайда 2 Do You know anybody who is about 100 years old? Nice to meet you! I`m a Russian
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Do You know anybody who is about 100 years old? Nice to meet you! I`m a Russian staking doll. And I`m about 100 years old.

№ слайда 3 What Is a Staking Doll? Russian staking doll, or matryoshka, as it is called in
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What Is a Staking Doll? Russian staking doll, or matryoshka, as it is called in Russian, is probably the most popular Russian national souvenir.

№ слайда 4 Also, it seems that matryoshka has come to us from ancient times, from the world
Описание слайда:

Also, it seems that matryoshka has come to us from ancient times, from the world of legends and fairy tales.

№ слайда 5 The Very Beginning of the Russian Matryoshka. The first Russian matryoshka was m
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The Very Beginning of the Russian Matryoshka. The first Russian matryoshka was made in 1809 in the Children's Education work-shop, situated inside the Abramtsevo estate.

№ слайда 6 Once, at traditional Saturday meeting, somebody brought a funny Japanese figurin
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Once, at traditional Saturday meeting, somebody brought a funny Japanese figurine of a good-natured bald-headed old man called Fukuruma.The doll consisted of several figurines nestled within one another. It had 7 figurines.

№ слайда 7 Japanese Matryoshka Fukuruma
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Japanese Matryoshka Fukuruma

№ слайда 8 There is a legend that the first doll of this type was made by unknown Russian m
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There is a legend that the first doll of this type was made by unknown Russian monk on the Island of Honshu . Actually, this type of nesting toy was well known before − Russian craftsmen carved wooden Easter eggs.

№ слайда 9 Why it is called “Matryoshka”? Russian wooden dolls with smaller dolls inside ar
Описание слайда:

Why it is called “Matryoshka”? Russian wooden dolls with smaller dolls inside are called matryoskas. In old Russian, the name Matryona or Matriosha was a very popular female name among peasants. This name is associated with the image of a mother of a big peasant family.

№ слайда 10 It`s Matryoska`s Family.
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It`s Matryoska`s Family.

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