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Презентация на тему: Places Where Animals Live (Habitat)

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Презентация на тему: Places Where Animals Live (Habitat)

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№ слайда 1 Places Where Animals Live (Habitat) Урок английского языка в IV классе по учебни
Описание слайда:

Places Where Animals Live (Habitat) Урок английского языка в IV классе по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English» Разработчик слайдов Учитель английского языка Искендерова С.Н.

№ слайда 2 Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
Описание слайда:

Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you!

№ слайда 3 The theme of our lesson is “ Places Where Animals Live (Habitat)”Тема нашего уро
Описание слайда:

The theme of our lesson is “ Places Where Animals Live (Habitat)”Тема нашего урока – «Среда обитания животных» Today, we will practise the use of the key words on the topic “Habitat”. We will do some listening, reading and speaking. We will learn some new words and practise them. You will make up the dialogue, listen to the dialogue and act it out.

№ слайда 4 Let`s start our lesson!
Описание слайда:

Let`s start our lesson!

№ слайда 5 Let’s practise English sounds. Repeat after me, please.
Описание слайда:

Let’s practise English sounds. Repeat after me, please.

№ слайда 6 LET`S READ THE RHYME Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house? Little cat
Описание слайда:

LET`S READ THE RHYME Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house? Little cat, little cat, I have no flat. I`m a poor mouse, I have no house Little mouse, little mouse Come to my house Little cat, little cat I can not do that, You want to eat me.

№ слайда 7 Let`s check your homework: Ex.26 p.42 Read and translate the story. Answer the q
Описание слайда:

Let`s check your homework: Ex.26 p.42 Read and translate the story. Answer the question: «Who becomes happy is the town» The Green Garden.

№ слайда 8 Ex.32 p.44 Say which animals live:a) on a farm a hen a cockerel a pig a horse a
Описание слайда:

Ex.32 p.44 Say which animals live:a) on a farm a hen a cockerel a pig a horse a sheep a rabbit a duck a cow b) in the zooan elephant a liona giraffe a parrot a monkeya tigera kangaroo a foxa bear a wolf c)in the forest a fox a bear a wolf

№ слайда 9 Ex.33, p.44. Complete the text and guess what animal it is. I am from Africa. I`
Описание слайда:

Ex.33, p.44. Complete the text and guess what animal it is. I am from Africa. I`ve got big . . .I am big and strong. I like fr]frf and . . .I don`t eat . .I can carry things, people and water the . Come to the and see me.I am … . (an elephant) carry [kærı]переноситьthing[θıŋ ]-вещь

№ слайда 10 Let`s have a rest and sing song: Clap Your HandsClap, clap, clap your handsClap
Описание слайда:

Let`s have a rest and sing song: Clap Your HandsClap, clap, clap your handsClap your hands together.Stamp, stamp, stamp your feetStamp your feet together!Touch, touch, touch your ears,Touch your ears together.Touch, touch, touch your cheeks, Touch your cheeks together!Shake, shake, shake your hands, Shake your hands together.Smile, smile at your friends,Let us smile together!

№ слайда 11 Ex.34 p.45 Listen and read: [ i:] - please, field, sea, eagle[e] - weather, elep
Описание слайда:

Ex.34 p.45 Listen and read: [ i:] - please, field, sea, eagle[e] - weather, elephant, desert[əu] – cold, road, most, ocean[au]- town, flower, cloudy, mountain [ ei ]- game, today, change, favourite, whale

№ слайда 12 Ex.35 p.45Helps to find animals to their homes.Example: The eagle lives in the m
Описание слайда:

Ex.35 p.45Helps to find animals to their homes.Example: The eagle lives in the mountains

№ слайда 13 Ex.36 p.45 Match and read the dialogue 1) Have you got a pet? c) Yes. I`ve got a
Описание слайда:

Ex.36 p.45 Match and read the dialogue 1) Have you got a pet? c) Yes. I`ve got a camel. 2)What`s its name? a) Ashby.3)What does it like to eat? e)Gras and apples.4)What is it like? b)Ashby is big, kind and strong.5)What can it do? d) Ashby helps my father to carry things.

№ слайда 14 Ex.37 p.45 Listen and check. Act out the dialogue.
Описание слайда:

Ex.37 p.45 Listen and check. Act out the dialogue.

№ слайда 15 Workbook
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 16 Homework:(S.B) ex.41 p.46 read and match(W.B) ex.15 p.26
Описание слайда:

Homework:(S.B) ex.41 p.46 read and match(W.B) ex.15 p.26

№ слайда 17 The lesson is over
Описание слайда:

The lesson is over

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