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Презентация на тему: Place of Books about Harry Potter

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Презентация на тему: Place of Books about Harry Potter

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№ слайда 1 Place of Books about Harry Potterin Future Literature Performers: pupils of 10b
Описание слайда:

Place of Books about Harry Potterin Future Literature Performers: pupils of 10b form Gonchar Anna Kashina AnastasiaThe supervisors: Shumanskaya E. B Kulakova L. V.

№ слайда 2 Contents IntroductionChapter I. General facts Chapter II. Literature success Cha
Описание слайда:

Contents IntroductionChapter I. General facts Chapter II. Literature success Chapter III. Commercial success Practical partConclusion

№ слайда 3 Area and object The area of our work is literature.For object of our research we
Описание слайда:

Area and object The area of our work is literature.For object of our research we have chosen the phenomenon of Harry Potter’s popularity.

№ слайда 4 ActualityOur project work is topical for example for young people because Harry
Описание слайда:

ActualityOur project work is topical for example for young people because Harry Potter is the greatest literary phenomenon ever and most of the books are read by teenagers.

№ слайда 5 Value Our work can be valuable for:students who study Englishstudents who study
Описание слайда:

Value Our work can be valuable for:students who study Englishstudents who study literatureeveryone who has read Harry Potter books

№ слайда 6 AimThe aim of our research is making a forecast about place of books about Harry
Описание слайда:

AimThe aim of our research is making a forecast about place of books about Harry Potter in future literature.

№ слайда 7 Objectives to study literature on this topicto find special traits of Harry Pott
Описание слайда:

Objectives to study literature on this topicto find special traits of Harry Potter booksto conduct a survey among teenagers and find out their opinionto make a forecast about place of books about Harry Potter in future literature.

№ слайда 8 Problem Question Our problem question is: are books about Harry Potter really gr
Описание слайда:

Problem Question Our problem question is: are books about Harry Potter really great or are they pulp fiction?

№ слайда 9 Hypothesis Our hypothesis is: in future Harry Potter series will be forgotten, i
Описание слайда:

Hypothesis Our hypothesis is: in future Harry Potter series will be forgotten, it will not be popular.

№ слайда 10 Methods used studying literaturebrainstormanalyzesurvey
Описание слайда:

Methods used studying literaturebrainstormanalyzesurvey

№ слайда 11 General factsThe 1st chapter is devoted to the genre of Harry Potter and other b
Описание слайда:

General factsThe 1st chapter is devoted to the genre of Harry Potter and other books of this genre, main features of Harry Potter books

№ слайда 12 Literature success The second chapter deals with the literary success of Harry P
Описание слайда:

Literature success The second chapter deals with the literary success of Harry Potter series, its honors, awards and critics

№ слайда 13 Commercial successIn the 3rd part we give information about commercial success o
Описание слайда:

Commercial successIn the 3rd part we give information about commercial success of Harry Potter books and other media connected with them.

№ слайда 14 Practical partFor our practical part we decided to conduct a survey because we h
Описание слайда:

Practical partFor our practical part we decided to conduct a survey because we had to question many people in short time.32 students of 8th and 10th form took part in our survey.

№ слайда 15 Questions Have you read books about Harry Potter?If yes, why?/ If no, why?Have y
Описание слайда:

Questions Have you read books about Harry Potter?If yes, why?/ If no, why?Have you seen films about Harry Potter?If yes, why?/If no, why?What, in your opinion, is the cause of Harry Potter’s succes?Readers of a newspaper The Telegraph have chosen Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as the best book of the last 25 years. Do you agree with this opinion?

№ слайда 16 Have you read books about Harry Potter?
Описание слайда:

Have you read books about Harry Potter?

№ слайда 17 Why did you read books about Harry Potter?
Описание слайда:

Why did you read books about Harry Potter?

№ слайда 18 Have you watched films about Harry Potter?
Описание слайда:

Have you watched films about Harry Potter?

№ слайда 19 Why did you watch films about Harry Potter?
Описание слайда:

Why did you watch films about Harry Potter?

№ слайда 20 What, in your opinion, is the cause of Harry Potter’s succes?
Описание слайда:

What, in your opinion, is the cause of Harry Potter’s succes?

№ слайда 21 Do you agree that Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone is the best book of the l
Описание слайда:

Do you agree that Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone is the best book of the last 25 years?

№ слайда 22 ConclusionAccording to the results we have drawn the conclusion that books about
Описание слайда:

ConclusionAccording to the results we have drawn the conclusion that books about Harry Potter are more entertaining than great.Considering this we can make a forecast that in future Harry Potter series will be forgotten.

№ слайда 23 Uses Our research paper might well be used:at the lessons of Englishat the lesso
Описание слайда:

Uses Our research paper might well be used:at the lessons of Englishat the lessons of literatureas an article for a literature magazine

№ слайда 24 List of literature Natalia Kondratova, Michael Kaluzhskyi The story of one murde
Описание слайда:

List of literature Natalia Kondratova, Michael Kaluzhskyi The story of one murder Russian Reporter, № 9 (009)Jayne Nelson Magic Hour Total Film, № 109Peter Childs, Mike Storry Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture Boutledge, 1999Steve Daly Phoenix Rising Entertainment Weekly, № 928David Bagget, Shawn E. Klein Harry Potter and philosophy If Aristotel Ran HogwartsSt.-Petersburg, 2005J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows Scholastic Inc., 2007http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry-potterhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fantasyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bildungsromanhttp://www.hpclub.com.ua/hp-books/articles/FenomenHP.htm

№ слайда 25 Thank you for your time!
Описание слайда:

Thank you for your time!

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