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Презентация на тему: Holidays

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Презентация на тему: Holidays

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№ слайда 1 Holidays
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 2 Christmas in Great Britain Every year there is a big Christmas tree in the centr
Описание слайда:

Christmas in Great Britain Every year there is a big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in… Trafalgar Square

№ слайда 3 Christmas in Great Britain A very big Christmas tree in the centre of London is
Описание слайда:

Christmas in Great Britain A very big Christmas tree in the centre of London is a present from … to the people of Great Britain.

№ слайда 4 Christmas in Great Britain People put their present under the tree on ... Christ
Описание слайда:

Christmas in Great Britain People put their present under the tree on ... Christmas Eve

№ слайда 5 In Britain, Santa Claus enters houses by climbing through the window by coming d
Описание слайда:

In Britain, Santa Claus enters houses by climbing through the window by coming down the chimneythrough the front door.through the back entrance

№ слайда 6 Christmas in Great Britain Correspondence between the place and the things:On th
Описание слайда:

Christmas in Great Britain Correspondence between the place and the things:On the Christmas treeToysLittle colored lights Under the Christmas tree Colored balls Stockings Near beds Presents

№ слайда 7 In the old Christmas Song, there are 12 days of Christmas. The first day of Chri
Описание слайда:

In the old Christmas Song, there are 12 days of Christmas. The first day of Christmas is 25th December15th December6th December

№ слайда 8 A 'carol' is a pie traditionally eaten on Christmas daya religious Christmas son
Описание слайда:

A 'carol' is a pie traditionally eaten on Christmas daya religious Christmas songa Christmas party with dancing

№ слайда 9 Which of these would you NOT see on top of a British Christmas tree? a stara fai
Описание слайда:

Which of these would you NOT see on top of a British Christmas tree? a stara fairySanta Claus

№ слайда 10 A traditional Christmas pudding is made a week before Christmason Christmas morn
Описание слайда:

A traditional Christmas pudding is made a week before Christmason Christmas morning up to 3 months before Christmas

№ слайда 11 dinner British faFor Christmas milies usually have BeefTurkeyChickenApplesSoupSa
Описание слайда:

dinner British faFor Christmas milies usually have BeefTurkeyChickenApplesSoupSalami

№ слайда 12 Christmas in Great Britain The correct order of events:For Christmas lunch peopl
Описание слайда:

Christmas in Great Britain The correct order of events:For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and vegetables.Then they have teaThen they have the Christmas pudding

№ слайда 13 The correct chronological order is New yearMother’s DayEasterFool’s Day
Описание слайда:

The correct chronological order is New yearMother’s DayEasterFool’s Day

№ слайда 14 Correspondence between English holidays and their dates. Christmas in April East
Описание слайда:

Correspondence between English holidays and their dates. Christmas in April Easter on the 31st of October New Year on the 25th of December Mother’s Day on the 31st of December/ 1st of January Halloween on the 26th of March

№ слайда 15 11. The traditional food of thanksgiving Day is … . turkey-beef -pork -
Описание слайда:

11. The traditional food of thanksgiving Day is … . turkey-beef -pork -

№ слайда 16 5. People usually … for the New Year. + make promises 6. People call St. Valenti
Описание слайда:

5. People usually … for the New Year. + make promises 6. People call St. Valentine the …+Saint of Love

№ слайда 17 3. Thanksgiving Day is an … holiday British -French -American +Indian -
Описание слайда:

3. Thanksgiving Day is an … holiday British -French -American +Indian -

№ слайда 18 The English year Children get chocolateEster eggs or rabbits on … Easter Sunday
Описание слайда:

The English year Children get chocolateEster eggs or rabbits on … Easter Sunday

№ слайда 19 The English year On Halloween people say:Trick or treatApril Fool!Happy New Year
Описание слайда:

The English year On Halloween people say:Trick or treatApril Fool!Happy New YearMerry Christmas

№ слайда 20 If you solve the rebuses you’ll find what presents Santa Claus has in his bag
Описание слайда:

If you solve the rebuses you’ll find what presents Santa Claus has in his bag

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