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Презентация на тему: Geography in English

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Презентация на тему: Geography in English

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№ слайда 1 Geography in English Habitats and homelandsBig and small islandsNatural wonders
Описание слайда:

Geography in English Habitats and homelandsBig and small islandsNatural wonders

№ слайда 2 What country can you see? 1. England 2. Great Britain 3. The United Kingdom 4. B
Описание слайда:

What country can you see? 1. England 2. Great Britain 3. The United Kingdom 4. Britain

№ слайда 3 Do you know the names of the British Isles?
Описание слайда:

Do you know the names of the British Isles?

№ слайда 4 Different British Isles a popular tourist destination a shipwreck museum a tiny
Описание слайда:

Different British Isles a popular tourist destination a shipwreck museum a tiny island suitable for growing flowers

№ слайда 5 Make up a short story, express your opinion The name of the islandLocationAreaGe
Описание слайда:

Make up a short story, express your opinion The name of the islandLocationAreaGeographyFamous sights or interesting placesReasons for visiting

Описание слайда:


№ слайда 7 Natural wonders
Описание слайда:

Natural wonders

№ слайда 8 Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone is the first and the oldest natural park i
Описание слайда:

Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone is the first and the oldest natural park in the world. On March 1, 1872 Yellowstone was dedicated as a public park for the enjoyment of the people and for the preservation of all natural wonders and their retention in their natural condition. There are more geysers and hot springs here then in the rest of the world. It has a large area of 3468 square miles. Yellowstone was called so because the river which flows here has water of yellow colour. The colourful Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, fossil forests and the elevation of the yellow Lake make them an unmissable destination. It’s the place with 600 different kinds of trees and plants and 200 kinds of birds such as swans, white-haired sea eagles and white pelicans. Many rare animals live here – black bears, bisons, deer, elks, steppe wolves and others. Yellowstone is a true wilderness, one of the few large, natural areas which must be protected and preserved.

№ слайда 9 Word bank To be dedicated- to be formed, openedElevation- greatnessFossil- made
Описание слайда:

Word bank To be dedicated- to be formed, openedElevation- greatnessFossil- made of stoneRetention- preservationDeer- a beautiful, fast animal with antlersElks- a forest animal with horns =antlersSwans- beautiful, white birds with long necksEagles- big birds with excellent sight, fly very high

№ слайда 10 What do you remember?
Описание слайда:

What do you remember?

№ слайда 11 Listen to someone booking a holiday and complete the form
Описание слайда:

Listen to someone booking a holiday and complete the form

№ слайда 12 Check your information
Описание слайда:

Check your information

№ слайда 13 Where would you like to go? Choose the interesting destination Task: Complete th
Описание слайда:

Where would you like to go? Choose the interesting destination Task: Complete the form with your personnel information

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