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Презентация на тему: Novosibirsk

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Презентация на тему: Novosibirsk

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№ слайда 1 NovosibirskNovosibirsk is one of the biggest cities in Russia and considered to
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NovosibirskNovosibirsk is one of the biggest cities in Russia and considered to be the third largest city after Moscow and St. Petersburg and the biggest one behind the Ural. It's situated right in the middle of Russia. It is an unofficial capital of Siberia. The City lies on both banks of the Ob river. In 1993 Novosibirsk celebrated it's 100th anniversary and it's growing rate is so high, that the citizens can call the city Russian Chicago.It occupies the area of 477.2 square kilometers.Population: about 1.5 million people

№ слайда 2 Official symbols of Novosibirsk Coat of arms Silver black lace on a shield symbo
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Official symbols of Novosibirsk Coat of arms Silver black lace on a shield symbolizes cross-Siberian railway line. Number of merlons shows that Novosibirsk is a regional centre. Sables, bow and arrows are taken from a historical emblem of SiberiaFlag Novosibirsk has its own flag . Green field means health and natural resources of Siberia ; white colour means cleanness and Siberian snow. Blue lace symbolizes the river Ob

№ слайда 3 The Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre The Novosibirsk State Ac
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The Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre The Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre is one of the biggest theatres in Russia with the worldwide popularity. The total area of the building is 11837 square metres, its volume is 294 340 cubic metres - more than that of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. The most unique part of the building is its dome 60 metres in diameter and 35 metres high. The theatre is often called "Siberian Coliseum“ and The Bolshoi Theatre of Siberia for its size and beauty.

№ слайда 4 The Youth Theatre GlobesThe youth theatre Globes is situated in the centre of No
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The Youth Theatre GlobesThe youth theatre Globes is situated in the centre of Novosibirsk, a short walk from the Chapel. It is a huge building with two auditoria, the large one is for 540 seats and the small is for 100 seats;

№ слайда 5 The Novosibirsk Puppet TheatreYou can view many beautiful handmade puppets and m
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The Novosibirsk Puppet TheatreYou can view many beautiful handmade puppets and marionettes from the past. Housed in an especially attraction historical building, the theatre dates back to the late 1930s and features regular performances for all ages.

№ слайда 6 The Chapel of St. NicolaiThe chapel in the name of Nikolai, the Miracle Man, was
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The Chapel of St. NicolaiThe chapel in the name of Nikolai, the Miracle Man, was built on the 300th anniversary of Romanov’s house. It symbolizes the Center of Russia. The chapel was destroyed in 1933, reconstructed in 1993 on 100th anniversary of the Novosibirsk city.

№ слайда 7 The temple of St. Alexander Nevsky is one of the first stone buildings of the ci
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The temple of St. Alexander Nevsky is one of the first stone buildings of the city

№ слайда 8 The Zoo of Novosibirsk The Zoo of Novosibirsk is a world renowned zoo and a tour
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The Zoo of Novosibirsk The Zoo of Novosibirsk is a world renowned zoo and a tourist attraction of the city. The zoo has over 4000 species of animals, and actively participates in 32 different societies for preserving endangered species. On average, around 7000,000 people visit the zoo each year. The symbol of the zoo is a snow leopard. It is a unique animal. Nowadays you only can find it in Altai.

№ слайда 9 The Vauxhall of Novosibirsk"Novosibirsk-glavny" central railway station built in
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The Vauxhall of Novosibirsk"Novosibirsk-glavny" central railway station built in 1939 is a wonderful example of the so-called "imperial" architecture. The size of the building is 180 thousand cubic meters. It has the shape of a railway engine. Today it is still the largest in Siberia, and one of the largest in Russia.

№ слайда 10 Bluetooth A residential house, the second highest building in Novosibirsk city (
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Bluetooth A residential house, the second highest building in Novosibirsk city (some 70 meters high), was completed in 2003. Two even higher buildings are under construction. Folk nicknames include "Bluetooth", "Batman", "Plug", "Horned". Funnily, the building is situated in Kommunisticheskaya (Communist) Street.

№ слайда 11 The world’s longest metro bridge is situated in Novosibirsk
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The world’s longest metro bridge is situated in Novosibirsk

№ слайда 12 Thank you Good luck!
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Thank you Good luck!

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