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Презентация на тему: «My favorite artists: Konstantin Razumov and Alois Arnegger»

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Презентация на тему: «My favorite artists: Konstantin Razumov and Alois Arnegger»

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№ слайда 1 «My favorite artists: Konstantin Razumov and Alois Arnegger» Prepared by Julia K
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«My favorite artists: Konstantin Razumov and Alois Arnegger» Prepared by Julia Khakhaleva

№ слайда 2 They are so different, but at the same time both incredibly talented. One of the
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They are so different, but at the same time both incredibly talented. One of them stunning landscape painter, the other a great realist. They are so different, but at the same time both incredibly talented. One of them stunning landscape painter, the other a great realist.

№ слайда 3 Konstantin Razumov We always associate the eternal feminine with Konstantin Razu
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Konstantin Razumov We always associate the eternal feminine with Konstantin Razumov. In his paintings, he returns to the same image as to preserve the unique features which dear to his heart.

№ слайда 4 However, the dream of the artist moves to another time, so you will not see a po
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However, the dream of the artist moves to another time, so you will not see a portrait of a modern woman. However, the dream of the artist moves to another time, so you will not see a portrait of a modern woman.

№ слайда 5 Konstantin Razumov was born in 1974 in Zarinsk. He studied art first at Novoalta
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Konstantin Razumov was born in 1974 in Zarinsk. He studied art first at Novoaltaisk Art School, then at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Now the artist lives and works in Moscow. Konstantin Razumov was born in 1974 in Zarinsk. He studied art first at Novoaltaisk Art School, then at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Now the artist lives and works in Moscow.

№ слайда 6 Many styles was influenced on Konstantin Razumov formation as an artist , but in
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Many styles was influenced on Konstantin Razumov formation as an artist , but in the end he gave the benefit of the combination of realism and impressionism. Many styles was influenced on Konstantin Razumov formation as an artist , but in the end he gave the benefit of the combination of realism and impressionism.

№ слайда 7 This can be seen in any of his paintings: he writes a realistic portrait, but th
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This can be seen in any of his paintings: he writes a realistic portrait, but the backgrounds are usually deprived of specificity which characteristic for Impressionism. This can be seen in any of his paintings: he writes a realistic portrait, but the backgrounds are usually deprived of specificity which characteristic for Impressionism.

№ слайда 8 The woman is charming, refined and feminine in paintings by Konstantin Razumov a
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The woman is charming, refined and feminine in paintings by Konstantin Razumov and quite unlike the modern ladies. The artist writes extremely realistic features of the woman. In fact, it is the same lovely lady who passes from one picture to another. The woman is charming, refined and feminine in paintings by Konstantin Razumov and quite unlike the modern ladies. The artist writes extremely realistic features of the woman. In fact, it is the same lovely lady who passes from one picture to another.

№ слайда 9 Gallery
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№ слайда 13 Alois Arnegger Alois Arnegger (1879 - 1963) - the Austrian landscape painter. Yo
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Alois Arnegger Alois Arnegger (1879 - 1963) - the Austrian landscape painter. You can't but appreciate his paintings, because there is something in his landscapes that reflects our own moods.

№ слайда 14 He was born in Vienna and studied art at the Academy of Fine Art. Since 1916 - M
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He was born in Vienna and studied art at the Academy of Fine Art. Since 1916 - Member of the Vienna Academy. He was born in Vienna and studied art at the Academy of Fine Art. Since 1916 - Member of the Vienna Academy.

№ слайда 15 Early in his career Arnegger was focusing on image Austrian landscape. He became
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Early in his career Arnegger was focusing on image Austrian landscape. He became known as a landscape painter. Early in his career Arnegger was focusing on image Austrian landscape. He became known as a landscape painter.

№ слайда 16 In 1920 Arnegger visited Italy and was fascinated by his coastal views. Since th
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In 1920 Arnegger visited Italy and was fascinated by his coastal views. Since then he has painted a bright and colorful views of Capri, Lake Como and Naples. In 1920 Arnegger visited Italy and was fascinated by his coastal views. Since then he has painted a bright and colorful views of Capri, Lake Como and Naples.

№ слайда 17 Gallery
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№ слайда 18 Gallery
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